New addition to the family


I ordered my drag racing suit from Vanson Friday, which made me realize the busa's coming off the street soon. So I bought this:


Diversity is a good thing. Now you need to add some dirtbikes!

I know I've said this before but...

CR500 - Same power to weight as the busa!
Diversity is a good thing. Now you need to add some dirtbikes!

I know I've said this before but...

CR500 - Same power to weight as the busa!
A friend of mine had one, and went thru rear tires like crazy! Another buddy of mine has a KX500 and keeps giving me crap about not be able to ride with him. Money's gonna be tight for a bit, but someday...

CR500's are INSANE. If you have never had the pleasure of riding such a beast, your missing out. Track one down and give her a kick and hold the f on. Way faster that the new yammi yzf426 and the CR500 is a two decade old design. Street is great but don't forget to "do it in the dirt". Chris
LCW, my local Dealer called me up and asked if I'd be interested in Suz SV1000s at dealer cost.  I guess he figured since I'd already bought a TL 1000R, a 'Busa & a Bandit from him...I'd be a likely suspect.  I went down and sat on 'em, but didn't take a test ride.  The faired model has a LONG (for me) bent-over reach to the bars.  No dice.  The unfaired model was more comfortable.....but I've already got my TL in 122 RWHP trim with Ohlins suspension, so I didn't bite on the offer.  They ARE sweet looking bikes, though....and the copper looks better than the silver.  Enjoy your new toy.
Very Cool, Be certain to get some slip on's on that bad boy. The 1000 makes a really nice noise with slip ons...bass noise that the Busa only dreams of... Kinda kicks like a Harley, only a bit more musical...

Very Cool, Should be a lot of fun.

Was insurance significantly less on the SV?
Diversity is a good thing.  Now you need to add some dirtbikes!

I know I've said this before but...

CR500 - Same power to weight as the busa!
A friend of mine had one, and went thru rear tires like crazy!  Another buddy of mine has a KX500 and keeps giving me crap about not be able to ride with him.  Money's gonna be tight for a bit, but someday...

The CR5 is definately another tire eater!

But way worth it!

Besides, new meat for the dirtbike is only $85.

It is my favorite off road machine!
those SV's are 'post to be torque monsters aren't they? All kindsa wheelie fun for you i bet
CR500's are INSANE.  If you have never had the pleasure of riding such a beast, your missing out.  Track one down and give her a kick and hold the f on.  Way faster that the new yammi yzf426 and the CR500 is a two decade old design.  Street is great but don't forget to "do it in the dirt".  Chris
My buddy has a 426 and we swapped bikes for a while.

No comparison!

The 426 is a straight line toad! Like comparing a goldwing to the Busa! (Well maybe not quite that bad, but you get the idea)

Think about it. The motocross folks will let the 450 four strokes ride with the 250 two strokes!

The CR500 has about 2x the nuts of the 250 and oh so much more torque!

Sorry LCW, didn't mean to hi-jack your thread.
i really like the looks of those bikes from every angle but straight on.. something about the headlight .. looks crosseyed to me or something..; haha.