First time I’ve ever had a weak battery, lasted exactly two years. Same Scorpion brand as before and same 175 CCAs. I’ve used Scorpions in several bikes over the years. Only cost $47.95 so $2 a month ain’t bad. Supposed to last four years and the last couple that I can remember lasted at least four years. If this one craps out too early I’ll change brands but they’re all probably made in China. I tried one of those 300+CCA lithium batteries that cost nearly $200 but it didn’t last nearly as long as they’re supposed to and IMO wasn’t worth it. 175CCAs have always started the bike with ease.
My bike batteries are always on tenders when not in use but after a couple years or so and especially a week or so before I go on tour I remove the tender to sort of simulate how it would be w/o a tender (cold mornings for a week+ at a motel for example) even though it gets charged while riding. On tour though I’ll start the bike several times a day for fuel, food and photo ops. The starter gets a lot of use on tour. That’s what I did about a week ago, the two year anniversary of this battery. Fully expecting it to fire the bike up the other day I got suited up and threw a leg over. The starter was very slow, so slow it wouldn’t fire the motor. Back to and ordered another. Good company BTW. The shipping estimate was to be next Tuesday but it showed up today in my mailbox fully charged.
I have the Kawasaki off the tender and I’lm waiting to see if its original OEM battery is ever going to die. It’s over six years old with I don’t know how many starts on it in nearly 30,000 miles. This may be a record for an original OEM battery!
My bike batteries are always on tenders when not in use but after a couple years or so and especially a week or so before I go on tour I remove the tender to sort of simulate how it would be w/o a tender (cold mornings for a week+ at a motel for example) even though it gets charged while riding. On tour though I’ll start the bike several times a day for fuel, food and photo ops. The starter gets a lot of use on tour. That’s what I did about a week ago, the two year anniversary of this battery. Fully expecting it to fire the bike up the other day I got suited up and threw a leg over. The starter was very slow, so slow it wouldn’t fire the motor. Back to and ordered another. Good company BTW. The shipping estimate was to be next Tuesday but it showed up today in my mailbox fully charged.
I have the Kawasaki off the tender and I’lm waiting to see if its original OEM battery is ever going to die. It’s over six years old with I don’t know how many starts on it in nearly 30,000 miles. This may be a record for an original OEM battery!