I've read probably half a dozen books, starting with TOTW II, and I've always advocated that Keith Code's logical and to the point approach was the best one. I do recognize that depending on the reader's personality, this may not be the easiest one to read - at least it was for me. I've re-read it about half a dozen times. And the video he made a while ago didn't do much for me because I already knew all the stuff, and because the video does not really show much of what he is trying to show.
Speaking of Keith Code, I was pleasantly surprised at his observation he conveyed in one of the recent "Motorcyclist" articles - what mood and expectations are the best to have when you come to a track day (and I extend it to "when you go on any ride"). I sort of knew this already and always set the mood to be right whenever I rde. He however took this to the new and concious level.
Simply put, a rider's mindset has a very significant impact on what good and bad might happen on any given ride (or a track day). He also simply defines what is the optimum expectaion to have - simple, effective, and logical. What's not to like.