New Double Bubble Pics


Jap is where it's at!
Donating Member
Here is the factory shield. Pics aren't the greatest quality.

Here is the dark smoke Zero Gravity Double Bubble. What a difference!

This should be a must do for evert Busa owner. The double Bubble opens up the dash like crazy! No more tucking down to see anything! Very easy to install!
It was a must for me! It was the first thing I changed out on her! Looks great, Billbell!
well damn bill...... now you got one.... I need one.... where did you buy yours from and how much??

I'm gonna shop around for the best deal. Looks to be around $80 though.
fst..I ordered mine through Wliwert's in Dubuque. $74.95 I think.
Plus every other Monday there is an extra 10% off so I think it was right at an even $70 after taxes.
Fst, I ordered mine from Can't remember what I paid for it, but I no it was competitive with other places cause I'm a cheapsake!
I just looked at the was $79.95 before discount....$70.36 after discount.
even if it was $100, it is worth the money! Gauges are great to look at, you seem to go faster without noticing(not always a good thing), helmet noise seems quieter.....overall a great investment!
y0 cheese can you get me a dark smoke for that price?