New Exhaust, Trouble Starting


I just installed a Boz Brothers Moria B2 Exhaust on my 07 Busa. This is the only MOD I have on it. It started and quit and would not start. I left it for a week and went out of town. It started when I got back last night, I drove it to work today and now it wont start again. It smells like it is flooded. Is there anything I can do to fix this problem?
that is not much to go on... have you checked for spark? kickstand switch?
I left it in my office last night and it started this morning. I read something about the idle. With the fast idle all the way open it Idles less than 1000. Would that have something to do with it?
it should idle between 12-1500 rpm fast idle 1800 rpm you have to pop the tank up and adjust your idle its on the right side when you ar sittin on the bikre when the tank is up whack the throttle a couple timesyou will see where the cables connect to the throttle boddie screws for idle and fast idle are right there , but it probably will start if you open the throttle while it is cranking , if the idle is to low ?
When I try to start it, it will try to start but if I pull hard on the throttle it will not start at all.
I dont have one yet. I let it set all night ant it hit about 4 times and would not fire again. It smells like it is flooded. Does the power commander have that much effect on it?
Yes. When adding a full exhaust the bike is not gonne run right without one. The stock ECU can't adjust the air and fuel enouf on it's own.
not having a pc with a full exhaust has nothing to do with the bike not starting

trace your steps back when installing the exhaust and see if you might have left anything off or unplugged or knocked something loose,like a vacuum line I'm just guessing here.If the problem started as soon as you installed the exhaust,this is what to check.
I have firsthand experience with this same exhaust system, and assure you that if you do not have it tuned with a powercommander, it is a miracle you can even run it. Seriously, because I couldn't wait to hear what it sounded like, I tried mine out before installing the PC, and felt like I was riding a friggin moped due to lack of power (because the fueling is so far off). You can damage the motor if you drive it too much with the lean stock settings with this exhaust, so don't be cheap, and take care of the fueling now. Check the vacuum hoses, also, but my hunch is the FI system is throwing a fit and is in some sort of "limp home" mode due to overheating or something.
Turn the key on, hit your kill switch (on the right) on and off two or three times to cycle the fuel pump, DO NOT PULL THE FAST IDLE LEVER (CHOKE LEVER) FOWARD AT ALL -leave it in the normal position, and hit the starter button. It should start. As soon as it does, you can pull the fast idle lever forward to pick the idle up as the bike warms up. . .

anything wrong with the fuel injection will trip the "FI" light, there is no such thing as a "limp mode" on a busa . . .

Update: Changed the plugs, got a PC III and a K&N, the place I ordered it from called and asked what I had to load a good MAP. It is running great. I plan on getting it custom maped in a month but I am saving for a dry Nitrous kit. Is there any other cost effective ways to get my quarter mile time down?
Update: Changed the plugs, got a PC III and a K&N, the place I ordered it from called and asked what I had to load a good MAP. It is running great. I plan on getting it custom maped in a month but I am saving for a dry Nitrous kit. Is there any other cost effective ways to get my quarter mile time down?
Do you have any pictures with the new exhaust?
It has 2 removeable baffles. I run it with one baffle. When I pull into my sub division I run in 5th doing 20 just to keep quiet enough so no one complains. It is about as loud as a VW dune buggy with a megaphone exhaust. I love it.
Next thing I would do if I was you, is to trim up the stock exhaust hangers. They look funny with nothing attached to 'em.