***new forum idea***


Donating Member
Actually this one is pretty good. I thought it up all by myseff too.

Just saw a members post askin' for help with a sattelite prob.

That spawned this idea:

An "Ask the Expert" forum.

Rubb would attempt to get several volunteers to offer up some time to check on the new forum as much as their free time would allow.

I'd get a plumber,carpenter,mechanic,painter,electrician,satellite guy,roofer,lawyer,doctor,indian chief,PC expert,Mac expert,vetrinarian,audiophile,video expert,janitor,LEO,fabricator,welder,horticulturist,priest,vaccuum repairman,etc etc etc.

Then memebrs would have a place to get help from in a timely manner. Hopefully the "experts" would take a few minutes each day to check the forum.

Watcha think ?

wonderful idea..
Sounds like it would very helpful... good idea.

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sounds good i guess...just make sure they put who the question is for in the thread title-that way the pros know which threads need their "area of expertise".

dont forget to find a dermatologist, archeologist (for diggn up all the clowns we bury with the busa), a cook (in case we get a few ZX-14 owners in here that dont know how to use their Foremans), and a hairstylist (for da Rubb n Bigdiesel, when fellas like us need a new snazzy hairdo
Sounds like a great idea! The caveat being that those seeking advice should know that following any advice given is at their own risk.
Sounds like a great idea!  The caveat being that those seeking advice should know that following any advice given is at their own risk.
Of course all that....

Just a qwik referal system when a member is in a jam.

Not a place to hire a contractor or get legal advice...

common sense people.

Just a place to get a *free* quik tip.
Here's a scenerio: The in-laws are showing up tomorrow. Yer only toilet wont flush and its a holiday weekend. Sure,phone a plumber and hope he calls back,and when he does he charges 95 dollars just to knock on your door.
Or,a qwik post here,and a licenced plumber tells you the chain is broken on the flapper valve,fix it with a coat hanger till Home Depot opens on Monday.

Sometimes things can be simple and free from negativity.


....and NO, you wouldn't be able to sue the expert who gave you the advice,or the Org,or da Rubb....or....

I quit. Time for my medication.
Sounds like a decent idea... you sure YOU came up with it? j/k!
Hey Rub, you forgot Pimpn ! I can also provide my 24 hr toll free no# 1-800- PMP-DOWN.  

Seriously, I think it a great ideal.

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Oh yeah, I really need to brush up on my 'pimpin' Ty...can you give me the 12 steps?

Let's see, I'm master of none, so I guess I won't be helping out much in that new forum...good idea though Andy!