You can take bike as is, the bank switch will cover your tether shut off (NHRA Engine Fuel/Kill)... The bank sensor at 43 degrees will shut bike off so that should cover that part.
You likely won't go 9.99/6.20 in the 1/4 or 1/8 mile so you should be fine on licensing.
Tech for motorcycles now want metal valve stems also. i recommend them next tire change.. you can buy at some tire shops the sleeve to slide over the rubber to get you by...if they ask yes they are metal stems and keep it moving..
You will need a leather jacket, leather boots that go above the ankle height, new rule kelvar palmed gloves or slide buttons ( some tracks are still reduced on this), helmet must be 2005 snell or higher rated (snell 2000 helmets have expired)..
Most tracks depending on their rules
WILL require full leather pants if running the 1/4 mile. Some tracks don't require them when running 1/8 mile as long as your not going 6.20 or faster..
Thanks for all that info, thats really helpful im going to check with the local tracks for requirements
If you want to talk about something that you can do to go faster, send # via pm and I can get you hooked up. If your wanting to run it as is, hang on and have fun..
let me make a cuple of passes and see how i feel about the bike. as of right now i hanvent even toped out the bike, mas i've been is 160. i need a smaller helmet
My best piece of advice for anyone that wants to go to track, no matter how good or bad you are:
Ride you bike at your comfort level or you will get hurt
Never pop the last bit of clutch lever even after wheel speed is up
you mean this on first gear only right? i usually dont use the clutch on the street other than to start from a dead stop, do you guys do the same at the track?
A wheelie may as well be an aborted run, as it will never be as fast as a clean one
definitely, until today i have managed not to lift the front when hitting it hard, instead i did an unspected highspeed burnout which scared the crap out of me the other day.
Take your time and work on reaction time and your 60 foot times, the rest will come..
You don't need john force burnouts, heat tire center, left and right side till you see smoke and push out the burnout box. don't do dry hops
what kind of tires are u using for street/strip and strip only (dont like curves so im ok with something that works on a straight line)
If you feel bike lift the nose to much to fast chop the throttle or if to high touch the rear brake
Last thing HAVE FUN..... Good Luck