new paint!what should i do?


ok so i painted the busa last sept. nissan 350z copper with violet phantom flames. it came out real good but i crashed the day i put it back together so i get to do it again since everything got trashed. im thinking black with silver bullets done matrix style(with the watery trail). kind of making it look like im as fast as the bullets
what do you think and have you seen anything like it before. also i already have the frame, swingarm, pegs and brackets, rearsets, and grab bar polished with chrome wheels to come after paint. how do you think it would look? lame?
Sounds interesting... Though it would be pricey... A lot of money down the tubes if you drop it again...
You gotta post some pics of the first paint job though... Sounds interesting. You have to have to before and afters of the plastics at least...
fortunately for me. a good friend of mine can paint pretty good and i can sand like a mother(i took auto body 4 years in high school)so i could paint too. hes better though and he sprays for free. as far as the airbrush i have another friend who has done a ton of custom cars and bikes and he is free too! im looking for the digis of the bike so when i get them ill post.ive had probs getting pics up s maybe ill email them and you could post
Dayum ouch is right and that is some sad plastic pics man... Bummer...

Question though, in your ouch X2 picture, what happened to your wrist?

And what gear were you wearing or not wearing when you went down?
my gloves got ripped off and my arm went under me an i slid on it and joe rocket jackets suck! it came apart and was almost naked up top. i lost the jacket pics but you would have been amazed at how crappy it held up. and it was armored too. although i was doing about 120 so no jacket would have been alot worse
oh the top inside of my hand was ground to the bone as well as my elbow and it hurt. my shoulder was the worst cause it almost literally got ripped off
for those of you who have seen torque. in the first scene that the fight with the reapers when the guy wrecks. that is pretty much how i fell but i slid much farther and didnt get up and try to fight
Damn! Sorry about your wreck, One. I hope you heal fast. The paint sounds like a killer idea, it will probably enhance the chrome too. Good luck and wear that gear.
sorry to hear about it also.
glad you weren't hurt worse.

ideas about paint???

well if I had to do it all over agian I would probaly paint it all silver with some chrome stickers and some dark silver accent to the paint
thanks for the kind words. im all good now except for my shoulder and that wont ever be right but thank god for grass and sand since thats where most of my sliding took place!and the bike hit mostly grass to after it fliped 2 or 3 times in the street. i was amazed at how liitle the damage was for about 120. i guess it was luck
Happens to the best of us least you didn't end up in cold storage. The paint idea sounds awesome...I'm lookin' to have mine airbrushed soon too. As far as your jacket...believe it or not, I went down doin' about 60 or 70 and slid on asphalt and gravel wearin' my carhart jacket, jeans and boots and didn't get much more than some light abrasions on my left knee. I'm sure 120 is a little different though. Good luck gettin' your bike back up to spec. and be safe. Thanks for the pics too
The photos of your injuries say it all. Sorry it happened. Thanks for telling us about Joe Rocket gear. Many of the leathers sold are 1.2 -1.4 mm. thick. Vanson made my leather jacket and it's 1.8 mm. I got it because a lot of the pro racers use it. It's expensive, but worth it if it saves some skin.