New Rabbits.


Lynne got a new hutch for her rabbit.
But before it was delivered her rabbit passed away.
Lots of crying from Lynne and me.
I'm a big softy when it comes to animals.

So she got two more.
I got to name them.
The big one is a lop ear called Truscott and the little one is a lion head called Wiggins.
Here's a few pics.

And a pic of the fire wallet.

Hope they come out ok, I've had to muck about with them.





how cute. years ago i had a rabbit for my daughter. called it thumper of course. it got a lot bigger than we realized it would. lol...
she loved it. she was little 5. the rabbit met with a sad end though. but thats another story.
I had a blue lop when I was in ag as a kid, I miss having rabbits (I think).
If you take that cage and pick it up off the ground, and use that wire for the floor, the poop will drop to the ground and it's easier to shovel up....don't ask me how I know....
Aww, too cute!! I had 4 rabbits when I was in high school and I loved them...great pets!!

Sorry about the one you two lost :(

via Samsung Galaxy SIII
Get 'em fixed and litter box train them. My last rabbit, Bud, was 11 years old when he had his first accident. It was enough concern to take him to the vet only to find out he had cancer.

My current rabbit, Roxie. I think she's finally fully gown...pushing over 20 lbs.
