New red paint-what color wheels?


Seeking advice from the experts here. I'm undecided on the wheel color with the new paint.

Here's the skinny:

04 purple/black going under the gun tomorrow, will be Porsche Guards red. Just straight red clear coated , no zig zags, throw up, graphics, lettering or decals. Like the look of the 05 red/black with the silver frame so the frame stays silver at least for now. WIll blow it apart again & change the frame color later if it does not have the look I'm after.

The black wheels have to go. IMHO there should be a defining line (color) between wheel & tire however the polished wheel llip like the SE bikes have & leaving the rest of the wheel black is something I might try. Chrome or billet after market wheels are not a consideration, just not enough bang for my buck so its polish, powder coat or paint.

What do you think will look good with what I have going?

I actually like the black wheels on my red 05' ..not to knock the 04' SE owners but I like mine better since it has alot of black on it to even things out since red is such an eye popping color. I am going to powerder coat a few more things as well to blacken it further.

That being said I guess chrome would be my next wheel color choice. Chrome the frame, swingarm and wheels and a few other misc parts.
Seeking advice from the experts here. I'm undecided on the wheel color with the new paint.

Here's the skinny:

04 purple/black going under the gun tomorrow, will be Porsche Guards red. Just straight red clear coated , no zig zags, throw up, graphics, lettering or decals. Like the look of the 05 red/black with the silver frame so the frame stays silver at least for now. WIll blow it apart again & change the frame color later if it does not have the look I'm after.

The black wheels have to go. IMHO there should be a defining line (color) between wheel & tire however the polished wheel llip like the SE bikes have & leaving the rest of the wheel black is something I might try. Chrome or billet after market wheels are not a consideration, just not enough bang for my buck so its polish, powder coat or paint.

What do you think will look good with what I have going?

If you dont mind me asking, why are you painting?
And also I'm with nitrousjunkie why are you painting black and purple That's the color I wanted but had to wait till this year to buy
Show a pic of the bike that might be a bit of a help

May be back together the end of next week. Shooting it tomorrow.

Thanks to all for your input.

Really don't care what the color of a new bike is if the price is right & its the brand I'm after. I buy the machine not the color combination & change it to suit me if I decide to keep it around for awhile.

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