New seatcowl design for the busa.......



How would you guys feel about a different cowl design that instead of the giant whalehump was more like the new GSXR750 style. Much lower and sleeker and having an integrated backpad.
Color matched of course. I myself would run to buy one so consider this a market survey.
Might sound crazy, but I kinda like mine more without the seat cowl, more of a touring look and gives me a place to put my rear bag.
Another way to put it would be if you were using the cowl, would you be interested in this much sleeker design instead of the big whalehump?
No I'd stay with the hump. It's very practical as a butt locator when you're trying to ride fast, its bulbousness is a contributor to aeros, it gives you a LOT of semi surreptitious storage, it prevents passengers better than safes prevent AIDS, and it's an important aspect of the bike's completely unique styling.

Everything on the Hayabusa is beefy and overbuilt. I think that the bike would look weird with a dainty butt.

Is someone considering building such a tail section?
Well, I'm trying to sell kawabuser on the idea and he suggested this to test the waters. So far its falling on its face.
I would love it if it fit right. It fits tight on one side and there is a big gap on the other. Poor fit and finish. Everyone ive seen fits uneven.
What I'd really like is a replacement base for my hump with a door in it so I could use all that space for storage and not have anything fall out when I took the hump off.
I think the lower hump with more aerodynamics would look totally cool. Let me know if it comes to life because I would like one of the first ones.
Omega, I told you the hump grew on everyone.
No pun intended.

The hump can be shimmed level, there is an ancient post from last spring on this.

Remove the base from the hump and either add a rubber shim or combination of washers.

The hump is a cargo area crying for a door,
Take the flapper you through away from the airbox and use that for a door/ vaccum operated and all (just kidding).

A Lenox holesaw will cut out a disc you could fashion with a hinge or just velcro.

Omega the hump is as much Busa as the headlight is.

A-TECH is very receptive to new ideas, its just that they like to sell enough to justify the mold costs, they will make small runs of special parts (airbox, and special rear undercowl).
I have cut a hole in the base of the hump and put a flap over it with snaps. You can shove a lot of S h I t in that hump. I also got the pad from Sargent. The pad is great. It is just thick enough so I can rest my butt against it but still slide back enough to tuck.
The women look at the bike and think the hump is some sort of cod piece. There right because this is one ballsy bike full of T-rone.

If you desire the sleeker look, no hump, then you should consider changing other parts to balance the design, maybe A-tech will provide a new body design.

Suzuki did a great job on building a well proportioned, aerodynamic, voluptuous land missle. Everytime that I do triple digits and come back down from that natural high, I think to myself that this is the best bike I have ever ridden.
ROR has the right idea, if someone would make a plate with a door I would be interested. The whale hump?? Wouldn' leave home without it! I liked what one guy said.."I use mine as a matching helmet".