New Stator Cover


What's goin on everyone? INstalled a new stator cover the other day and first of all, was wondering if anyone else experiences their Busa not wanting to stay started when it's cold unless the choke is on? And second, should I be able to put my hand on the stator cover and feel vibration? Not violent vibration, just slight vibration...

Please let me know, THANKS!
Sounds right about the stator. Does she idle +/- 1200 when warm and no choke?
Yea Id say it bobs between mayb 1050 and 1200 rpm when warm but when cold I just feel the dam thing is gonna fall apart! Only 560 miles on it too..
I have to put my choke on as well. Big motor ya know....

I haven't really just felt my stator cover when running......because the whole bike is

As for the idle, mine idles same as yours +/_1200. Majority of the time under 1200.
reminds me. Gotta reroute my choke cause the Genmar riser and set the idle up. Idle's at 900 now.
Yea I just wanted to make sure I wasnt causing any internal damage.. Probably not gonna start it up again until I get her back together in the next 2 weeks..

Even though this weather is amazing today!!!!

Thanks for the input
We had to adjust both busa's idle settings under the tanks.
on another forum read that the idle spring backs out sometimes
some guys use nail polish to keep it from backing out
little drop of lite lock tite... (i forget the color) and i havent had to adjust my idle in a year.
Did you mean you have a new stator cover or bike
, If you replaced the stator cover the three screws holding the coils could be loose. They require blue loctite and proper torque on install.

Mine idles around 11K when warm, with choke starts at 11 and will build to about 18 before falling off as engine comes up to normal temp.
(BA BUSA @ May 06 2007,16:18)
(BusaDale @ May 06 2007,06:37) That would be blue Locktite.
That would be blue "Loctite"
Ignore Ba, he can't help himself

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Remember it'd not a choke, the bike is fuel injected, and it’s a fast idle. My fast idle doesn’t even work any more after I adjusted my idle.