New TPS adjustment procedure


Not a huge change, but I feel that it made a difference in responsiveness.(not as abrupt on-off feel either)
This came from the New Model Technical Update Seminar Manual from Suzuki-- For Suzuki mechanics.
In dealer Mode the bar or dash should be in the center at 1200 RPM on your clock/LCD display. "Top bar should display when engine is at 2000 RPM or higher."

It is a fine adjustment. When I first checked mine again the center bar was displayed, but the top bar would not show until 2500 RPM so I had to adjust it just a hair, which is a ***** because when you tighten the torx screws it moves the sensor. I had to set it a little off then when I tightened it ended up correct.

For those with the PC2, I did this with the PC2 disconnected, then reconnected it after.


[This message has been edited by Bob (edited 22 October 1999).]