Nitrous Question


Donating Member
I have a chance to get a free tank of medical grade nitrous. The tank says 37lbs (never heard of that weight before, but anyway). One question is, the expiration date on the tank says 2005...does that matter since I am not using it for medical reasons? Also, does anyone have a pump that I can use to pump the nitrous from the supply tank to the bottle for the bike? I don't want to spend a sh#t load of money on stuff to make this work. I am new to this, but hey, who can pass up a free tank of nitrous??
Hydro date is good for 5 years....will need to retest in 2010.

Pumps are 500.00 + You can gravity feed from the big bottle.

And you better have a cool and safe place to store it.
What kind of pump does it take? I work in a medical facility, so I am curious to know if those pumps are something special, or are they something I could come across.
Hydro date is good for 5 years....will need to retest in 2010.

Pumps are 500.00 + You can gravity feed from the big bottle.

And you better have a cool and safe place to store it.
I stored our refill tanks in the shop (110 degrees + in the summer)
No real need for cryo pump but sure makes life easier.. I was selling 100lbs + a week avg and the pump was mandatory...
oh sorry, it is a pump designed to pump liquid that should be a gas.. The one i had was air powered and I think I got it directly from NOS.. looks sort of like a power brake diaphragm.

Here is what the current one looks like.. (sure changed) the cylinder mount I made myself..

I took a safety cap, cut the threaded part of and built a tripod mount and welded it to the collar.. Then just thread it on the cylinder, flip it over and go....

If you have never worked with liquid nitrous, EXTREME care should be used and NEVER work without goggles on.... not worth loosing an eye.. (gloves are REALLY a good idea too)

Hmmm,,,,don't know if I can get my hands on one of those or not. You think they would be used in a medical facility??
About 15 years ago i had a 10 lb'r scared the hell out of me.

In the summer my little bottles go in a cheap foam cooler filled with water. It keeps the temp/pressure very stable.
oh sorry, it is a pump designed to pump liquid that should be a gas..   The one i had was air powered and I think I got it directly from NOS.. looks sort of like a power brake diaphragm.

Here is what the current one looks like.. (sure changed)  the cylinder mount I made myself..

I took a safety cap, cut the threaded part of and built a tripod mount and welded it to the collar.. Then just thread it on the cylinder, flip it over and go....  

If you have never worked with liquid nitrous, EXTREME care should be used and NEVER work without goggles on.... not worth loosing an eye.. (gloves are REALLY  a good idea too)

I gotta figure out a way to get me one of those! Man, why can't I be rich??
Hmmm,,,,don't know if I can get my hands on one of those or not. You think they would be used in a medical facility??
nope... they only use gas..


you need the bottle inverted (big bottle)

little bottle should be completely drained and then put on ice for 30 minutes or so... This will draw a bit of a vacuum in the bottle.. (Careful, you do NOT want any air to get into the bottle, it takes up valuable space)

weight small bottle with scale
Hook lines to both big and little bottle
Open big bottle valve (Slowly)
Crack open the line at the small bottle and purge until liquid shoots out (Danger Will Robinson, instant burn)
close fitting and then open the small bottles valve and let them equalize
close both valves
crack line at small bottle again and let pressure bleed out completely (this is where most get hurt btw)
Remove bottle and weigh it again so you know how much you got..

It is possible to rechill the bottle and get more in by either putting it back on ice OR by venting gas.. DO NOT OVERFILL BOTTLES

Chevelle if your bottle poped the safety, you probably had it overfull... in Phx, bottles are kept in trunks of hotrods that often see 200 degrees plus... not ideal but not unusual..
Hmmm,,,,don't know if I can get my hands on one of those or not. You think they would be used in a medical facility??
nope... they only use gas..  


you need the bottle inverted (big bottle)

little bottle should be completely drained and then put on ice for 30 minutes or so... This will draw a bit of a vacuum in the bottle..  (Careful, you do NOT want any air to get into the bottle, it takes up valuable space)

weight small bottle with scale
Hook lines to both big and little bottle
Open big bottle valve (Slowly)
Crack open the line at the small bottle and purge until liquid shoots out (Danger Will Robinson, instant burn)
close fitting and then open the small bottles valve and let them equalize
close both valves
crack line at small bottle again and let pressure bleed out completely (this is where most get hurt btw)
Remove bottle and weigh it again so you know how much you got..

It is possible to rechill the bottle and get more in by either putting it back on ice OR by venting gas.. DO NOT OVERFILL BOTTLES

Chevelle if your bottle poped the safety, you probably had it overfull... in Phx, bottles are kept in trunks of hotrods that often see 200 degrees plus... not ideal but not unusual..
Isn't there something about a siphon tube or something that comes into play when I am inverting the supply tank? I mean, if I just invert the tank, will it fill the small bottle with liquid like it is supposed to?
SOME bottles have siphon tubes (most do not) I can promise that the medical bottles do not...

I sold Nitrous+ and they never had siphon tubes.. Some companies have siphon bottles but they are the exception, I could not get fill bottles with siphon tubes but things have changed a lot as nitrous has become a lot more mainstream..

NOW your bottle you are filling almost always have siphon tubes (usually a up arrow on bottle)
Yeah, I took the tubes out of my small bottles, but didn't know if it mattered on the big tanks or not.