No Luck Today..


Donating Member
Had a vacation day left over from last year I had to take, so.. Going to be 72 and sunny today, great go for the first ride on the Busa in almost a month. Hah! Not a chance.
The truck sees an opertunity to steal the day from me. Front end is a little out of alignment so it pulls to the right a little. Last couple of days it's felt like it was pulling a little more than normal. Was beginning to suspect, and sure enough, this morning it sticks tight.
So, instead of riding twisties, I'll be working on the truck.:banghead:
At least it's pretty cheap, only $32.00 for the caliper, and I get to use my Mity Vac again.:laugh:

Life.. Gotta love it.
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At least you own a brand that you don't have to get a loan on to buy a caliper~!~ LoL

Good luck, shouldn't be too bad except for missing out on the two wheel action
You can still go riding if you knock it out quickly enough.

It went amazingly easy. Just got back from getting my $30 core charge back. 2:45, but I can still go somewhere for an early dinner.
Well, I'm off to.. somewhere.:laugh:
Where too? I could use a ride!

I just ran over to Nixa and ate. Lotta traffic in the later afternoon so it wasn't anything spectacular, but felt good to get out on the bike again. First time since we went to the BBQ place.