No New Busa


My shop was getting a new red busa in feb but it came early. I was thinking about buying it but didn't get over there right away and an older guy was interested so he sat on it then didn't put the kick stand down properly. Over $800 damage, either pay the damage or buy it, so he bought it. Beautiful bike though. Now at least someone has a busa within 100 miles of me :)

[This message has been edited by viol8r (edited 15 January 2000).]
That's hilarious.
A co-worker of mine has a similar story (years ago) of taking a new bike for a test ride, dumping it in u-turn, and having to buy it....maybe I better check to see if he has a new busa on hand.. :)
I wonder if I could sell him my sidestand mod kit? A picture of the bike on its side would make good advertising copy for the kit - "This could be your bike, spend $5 now or $800 later".
I'm going to see if I can get in contact with him, if I do I'll send him this way. They have a 750 coming in sometime and I think I'm going to put money on it :) No date or specs yet though.