Hello all, i did some researching and was unable to find the exact answers i want. I'm wanting to get a speedohealer (preferably healtech), and also a Smart TRE. I was looking at the Ivan made smart TRE, then i found healtechs TRE which is also smart but would require me to cut one wire unlike the Ivan made. When looking at healtechs speedohealer, and TRE it looks like the they have the same plugs, and it looks like you can hook them in parallel. My question is to run both a speedohealer and a TRE will i need to get the same brand or can i go with a cheaper speedohealer like the 12O'clocklabs. Ill post some links down below to show the ones im looking at. And if anyone on this forum sells any of the above id like to hear some prices and get something ordered. Any other brand suggestions or if you run any of these please share your experience.
Healtech Electronics Speedohealer
X-TRE for Suzuki
Healtech Electronics Speedohealer
X-TRE for Suzuki