Hey everybody,
I might have to change my name to TeamNemesis, today I put money down on a Norton Nemesis, the dealer reassured me that I will have one by Next summer, I love the Hayabusa and I will definitely keep it but if this thing comes out the way my dealer(who is also my uncle)says this V-Eight bike will be putting out 220-230HP, This 1500 is going to move at around 210 to 215MPH. This will be The fastest production bike in the world. So what's all this talk about a ZXwhatever? I just might put the Hayabusa Characters on the side to show where my loyalty is, this sucker isn't cheap and will propably run me around 35,000.00 but it will be worth it! Later,
I might have to change my name to TeamNemesis, today I put money down on a Norton Nemesis, the dealer reassured me that I will have one by Next summer, I love the Hayabusa and I will definitely keep it but if this thing comes out the way my dealer(who is also my uncle)says this V-Eight bike will be putting out 220-230HP, This 1500 is going to move at around 210 to 215MPH. This will be The fastest production bike in the world. So what's all this talk about a ZXwhatever? I just might put the Hayabusa Characters on the side to show where my loyalty is, this sucker isn't cheap and will propably run me around 35,000.00 but it will be worth it! Later,