Not trying to beat a dead horse here...


oRg Gal
Staff member
I found that the 9/11 Commission report is available online for those that don't want to fork over the bucks (you know, save your money for Busa mods!)

I've only just gotten through recounting what transpired with the planes, and it's sobering to say the least...

Sad and heartbreaking to read about loved ones trying to contact loved ones from planes going down...truly a day no American should ever forget...

But, I'm left wondering what in the hell is different with airport security. I've flown several times since 9/11, as have members of my family...nothing feels different. I still see people setting off alarms and being pulled aside, only to hear airport security say things like "must be the metal rivets on your jeans" as they continually wave a wand over their bodies...these terrorists boarded planes after setting off alarms, and from what I've seen, there's very little to stop them from doing the EXACT same fuggin' thing again...

Hell, I've spent hours sitting at Dulles International, waiting for my husband to return from Japan, and watched security personnel walk past abandoned bags...and witnessed security "frisk" babies...

And if I hear one more traveler complain about the security they have to endure to board a plane, I'm gonna smack the sh*t out of 'em because I don't ever want to know what it was like for those people on those 4 planes on 9/11...we're not doing nearly enough to avoid this from happening again...

Not trying to rehash 9/11 here...

As for the far, it's a good read...I'd recommend checking it out...

9/11 Commission Report
Guess what Michelle? I'm your first...
On a more serious note though:

Yeah, it's ridiculous sometime how we operate in this country. Part of the "you can't fugg with me" attitude is what some countries hate about us. We get so complacent at times that it takes tragedies such as 9/11 to wake us up. The city I live in has two major oil refineries (one of which I work at...) and a shitload of petrochemical companies, and we are a number one target in a strategic war, or a perfect hit for a terrorist. The sad thing is that this type of attitude has rubbed off and we just can't seem to shake it. Our government has made drastic steps to ensure this won't happen again, but the actual success of all these plans will ultimately rest in the hands of everyday people. How do we convince people that this threat is real and lurking? Yes, there were inadequacies in our Central Intelligence, FBI, and NSA... and soon these agencies will basically be defunct. Honestly, I can't say that I'm real happy about the way things are going, but I don't always blame it on our government. I blame it on the complacencies of people.

I'm not solely blaming our gov't, though gov't will have to play a HUGE part is monitoring that things are done to avoid this from happening again...all the way down to the guy/gal working screening...the airlines didn't respond quickly enough either; little warning to airborne crafts about what was going on...

Just read the first few pages of that Commission could happen again today and not a single thing has changed. I'm just talking about these people boarding the planes. Tell me that this couldn't/wouldn't happen again just as it did on 9/11? Guys boarded plans without photo IDs...set off alarms and still got through...either security personnel aren't being trained properly or they're not getting paid enough to give a sh*t... head hurts...why do I do this to myself!
 Honestly, I can't say that I'm real happy about the way things are going, but I don't always blame it on our government.  I blame it on the complacencies of people.  


Just to make sure that we are on the same page. I wasn't implying that you blamed the government. That's just my personal trangressions about the whole situation.
 Honestly, I can't say that I'm real happy about the way things are going, but I don't always blame it on our government.  I blame it on the complacencies of people.  


   Just to make sure that we are on the same page.  I wasn't implying that you blamed the government.  That's just my personal trangressions about the whole situation.
Of course we're on the same page...

Hello? We're sharing a brain...
I don't think you'll see a major change in passenger screening untill the average person is willing to give up personal freedoms for safety. And I don't see the average person giving up their personal freedoms until either another 9/11 happens or a couple more. People just aren't willing to change until enough people are killed. Sad, but true.
Oooo!! Another whoring thread!! YAY!

J/k, Shells...I can't say I fully understand where you're coming from because I haven't gone through the same things you have. When I've traveled, things seemed to be more or less calm...and for that I'm truly thankful.
I traveled weekly via airlines until 2002. With all the ridiculous things I've witnessed from the TSA folks, the one that sticks in my mind is when one of the young hotshots snapped off the file from my (little) finger nail clipper. I didn't know how lethal that 1.5" file was until that day.
yep...quite dangerous those nail files. Sheesh...gimme a break. I mean, when was the last time anyone robbed a bank much less jacked a car with a fuggin nail file.

"Don't let me use this!!" Yeah right...I guarantee that I can throw a better beatin with a tea kettle.