I can’t think of a good reason to use a non o-ring chain on a street bike.
One advantage of a non o-ring is a slightly less horsepower loss. This is due to the friction loss with the o-rings and weight. Some say the non o-ring has a higher strength as well. However, the strongest 530 chain I know if is the EK DRZ2 11,500 lbs tensile strength. The EK ZZZ o-ring has an 11,000 which (I believe) is more than all of the other non o-ring. The better o-ring chains are actually an x-ring design which has less loss due to the friction of the sealing rings. The ZZZ is also slightly lighter than some others o-ring.
The only real advantage the non o-ring chain has is cost. Chain maintenance will make that about even in a short time.
Unless the cost is a big factor, I feel the EK ZZZ is the best chain going for the Busa.