Octane Booster


Hayabusa Master Jedi
Donating Member
I know, I know.... This should have been in the Tech part of the Board, but I think I get faster replies here

Well, I wanted to knowhoe good are the "Octane Boosters". I have a couple of friends using it in their R1 and Fireblades. Dont get anything more than 91 Octane here in India at most of the Pumps, and the Newer bikes demand 95 Minimum octane levels. These guys have been using it, and say its pretty good... No pinging and stuff!

I'd like to know the opinion from .org people, cause you guys I really trust!
Whats pinging.I know what pinging is in regards to weblogging.Didnt know this word had made its way to bikes too.Is it anyway like what one hears when the engine knocks.Well in german we call it "das Klopfen"....in case if any one knows the english synonym for it(Which ofcourse shouldnt be pinging)?

Eh.... i just realised that i am not answering ur question, rather initiating another......
you shouldnt need 95oct on your busa. 91` should be fine. if your bike is pinning with 91 you should get the bike retarded a little. timing could be off.

In the Shade Tree Mechanics world it's called "Spark Knock"
hey... hey.. hey cyclone, dont use the word retard and Elenor in the same sentance

By the way, My question was not in reference to the Busa... But in context to the Bikes that Do need 95+ octane
just so u know.. those octane boosters are a joke. when they say u raise" 5-12 points" a point is " . " for example, u get 91 oct... and put some in and its.. 9 points.. now u have 91.9 oct. there is some stuff out there 2 make ur own octane booster and gives more "points" then the stuff u buy at checker. ill try 2 find it and tell you. but basically, that stuff is a joke. but, if u dont mind me asking.. wher ein the heck can u buy 95 oct at the pump!?!? i know in AZ its just 91 with the super rare 101/107/110 oct pumps.
I have no Idea where you can get 95 Octane at the Pump Aziroc! Here in India, the maximum that I get is 91 Octane at the pumps. But the 05 R1, Fireblade, 999 Duc, all have a sticker on their tanks asking for a minimum 95 Octane fuel!

Thanks for the insight AZIROC
The 95 octane figure is from Europe. I think they just calculate the octane rating a bit differently than the US does. I get 92 octane most places in Washington. I do use an additive that pushes the rating up to about 93 or 94, but it's just to help keep the engine run cleaner not produce more power. If you really need higher octane ratings go buy your fuel at an airport. The basic small airplane fuel is rated at 107 around here. I've seen guys use it when they drag race, but I don't know how well it would work for street use.
Oh ok TruWrecks. Well, You see I was trying to figure out if I can get a Duc Into India... with the kind of fuel that we are getting here! Thats when this 95 octane sticker caught my eye. Not wanting the fuel to boost HP or anything... just want the right kind of fuel, as specified by the manufaturer

But thanks for the knowledge. I think I'll check their US site and see what octane they are recomending there.
isnt airplane fuel leaded? im pretty sure it is. i dont think the bike may like/need it THAT much. as far as i know, most sports bikes can use 87 and b fine. so 91 is more then enough.
The Busa is designed to run on 87 octane fuel without any additives required.

The octane rating is value based on the fuels ability to resist detonation. The higher the resistance, the higher the octane number. If you're running a high octane fuel, then you also need to be running an ignition system that will produce enough spark to ignite the fuel.

Detonation/Pinging is when the air/fuel mixture is ignited by a source OTHER than the spark from the engine. This could be a local hotspot with a cylinder due to carbon build up, or it could be due to excessive heat in a high compression engine. This is why racers use higher octane fuels. They are running with much higher compression ratios than found on a stock motor. A diesel engine doesn't have spark plugs...It uses the heat of compression to ignite the fuel.

If you use a fuel with an octane rating that is too high, you will actually hurt the performance of the vehicle. This will cause incomplete combustion which you will see as black smoke and soot in the exhaust. Fuel is Carbon based, and unless it is burned efficiently, it will produce a Carbon buildup inside the cylinders. This leads to fouled plugs, and cylinder heads. If allowed to continue, this carbon will develop hot spots like a smoldering fire. When a fresh air/fuel charge is introduced, the hot spot can ignite the fuel prior to the ignition firing.

Hope this helps you make the right choice

Sorry for the length...just trying to have it make sense.
FYI:  If you do a search for the word "octane" in all open forums, you'll get a list with only 10 topics.  There's some good info in there and some links to articles on octane ratings.

EDIT: Since you're new...The search icon is in the top right corner of each page with yellow lettering. It took me a while to find it the first time, so just trying to save you some time.

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We used to mix leaded and unleaded fuels togeather for the Motocross bikes years ago to boost octane..................I am showing my age..LOL!!
