OEM Parts


Donating Member
Anyone knows how the parts system for Suzuki North America works? Do the retail houses carry minimum, or no stock and all order directly from Suzuki, for first delivery to their parts house and then shipment to the buyer?

I notice some big differences in prices between various retailers and delivery is not immediate, so I'm wondering how this works?
Probably minimum. It takes 1 - 3 days to get parts here and they will not drop ship them to you directly from Suzuki. Someone said Daniel at Cloudnine would. :dunno:
They stock mostly high turnover parts. fairings and other parts usually are special order. the price differences are usually the result of the volume the dealer does with the factory same in most industries. and like most induestries there are warehouses around the US so shipping time is not a major issue, although give current economic difficulties I would guess the warehouses have slimmed up a bit on what they keep.