I did the same thing. Got out of the Corps after 10 years.
While I enjoyed being a Marine and will always feel pride that I was in the Marine Corps. I felt compelled to get out so I could be around my boys as much as possible.
For me, more than 14 years later, it seems that it was probably the best decision. Still married, have three boys that are not too bad but still require two full time parents to handle.
My boys are strong headed (wonder where they got that from) and I have to lay a physical smack down on them from time to time to get them in check.
No different from what elephants do, or lions do or tigers do etc. As boys, and I told them at an early age (probably around 8) that because they are boys once in awhile they are going to feel a need to challenge good ol dad.
I explained to them I love them, and when that happens it is my responsibility to put them back in check as soon as possible.
Once in awhile it happens, I do it quickly and without emotion and then all is good.
If I were still in the Corps having to deploy for 6 months or more at a time I am not sure in my situation if my wife by herself could handle the three boys. She provides the love and the carrying and stuff like that, which I do also but not as well as she does.
She will cook dinner for them, make breakfast, pack their lunches, shop for the clothes, show them lots of love, help out with school projects. Lots of stuff that I don’t do very well.
If she isnt around I tell them to pack their lunches themselves or make their own dinners, and make sure it is good food and not crap food, and they do it themselves lol.
So in my household, with my boys, both my wife and I contribute in different ways and together I think we provide somewhat good well rounded parenting.
Everyone is different and I know lots of military members who deploy that have awesome kids. But as I said, for me and my particular family unit I am confidant my getting out was in the best interest of my family.
Good luck to you and thanks for serving!!!