oh man...greg louganis, but not...

sorry everyone...had a brain fart and didn't have the link in the starting thread...
fat kids should just diet first....nevermind the exercise.

he's bouncin', he's bouncin', he's boucin' some more...

he's.... paraplegic.

poor bastid. he was just tryin' to hav fun 2.

I've emailed the link to Greg Lo...

kiddin. Hav a well balanced 1... diet/exercise ... RSD.
thats why they always say only ONE bounce
He could have had a better score for that dive, but his entry into the water was a little sloppy:laugh:
You guys are making fun of him! what about if he really got fugged up and now he's dead?! (It was kind of funny though) I had to laugh a little.
OMFG! I have watched that like 20 times in a row and laughed balls off everytime! I showed to everyone here at work and people are rolling on the floor. There is nothing quite as funny as watching other people injure themselves is there? lol