Ohio Riders; Iron Pony vs Cyclegear


Donating Member
Just wondering from the Ohio riders which store has the better deals and larger in stock gear to try on between the two?
Pipe and the wifey is thinking about venturing up there to get new gear.
Is it worth driving 2 1/2 hours one way to check it out?
Went to the local bike shop and they only have a couple jackets and a small wall of helmets with the best brand being Icon.
Appreciate any insight.
Its the same all over these days. The local shops carry mainly the low end stuff they can move readily. If your looking for a shop that has the goods, you gotta ride a ways! At this point I couldn't even tell you a good shop in the Greater Seattle area! I need to get my passport renewed so I can jaunt up to BC again and see if they're any better. Used to be able to get some good stuff at the racetrack during big club meets etc. Good luck.
Its the same all over these days. The local shops carry mainly the low end stuff they can move readily. If your looking for a shop that has the goods, you gotta ride a ways! At this point I couldn't even tell you a good shop in the Greater Seattle area! I need to get my passport renewed so I can jaunt up to BC again and see if they're any better. Used to be able to get some good stuff at the racetrack during big club meets etc. Good luck.
Guess we'll find out tomorrow. Hopefully it's not a waste of time. Going to try Iron Pony first and if it's a bust then we'll drive another 30 minutes and hit a cycle gear.
I believe both of those options are the biggest stores in my general area.
ok so i live in dayton and cyclegear is in centerville about 30 minutes away. iron pony is about an hour to hour and a half for me since its on the east side of Columbus. that said. i go to cycle gear for tires because they are close and the tires are about the same no matter where you go. other than that if you want selection of stuff clearly iron pony is the best place. i think they converted an old kmart. if that gives you any indication of its size. cycle gear is a closet by comparison.
Went to Iron Pony. That place is huge compared to anything around here. Spent over 2 hours trying on stuff with the wifey. Didn't make it to cyclegear. Maybe next time. Thanks for the responses