

Donating Member
Just woundering no matter how carefull i am i still seem to dribble a very small amount of oil on the headers when i drain the engin. Is there some way to avoid that. Dam smell kills me every time till its burnt off.
If your talking about oil from when you change the filter....you can wrap some aluminum foil around the exhaust pipes to protect them. I never have had a problem with oil from the drain plug area getting on the exhaust.
from what ive read in other posts... draip tin foil over the place in which the oil is getting on yur pipez...

but ive only had my busa for 3 days now and its my first bike so i could be wrong

waiting for her to cool down a tad to change her oil, just got to the 200 mark...
See if tried to search but none of the post that came up where relevent. Foil ill be dammed im goin to try that next oil change.
hehe.. HIM could give some lessons on getting it on it's back.. I hear it's pretty easy.

LOL.. sorry him... couldn't help it.
find some .. cardboard from a old box .. and make a ..Funnel .. after ur done "toss it" .. then if any "oil" does drip ..on said ..header pipes.. use.." BrakeCleanâ„¢® .to clean it up ..