okay, second one wrecked. *#&%


well, i really hate to post this, but heck, it's gonna happen sometime if you ride as much as i do. my busa is down. little old lady pulled out in front of me and left me no options. she never even looked in my direction. now i sit here with my trusty crutches laying next to me, (no broken bones thank god) bruised and battered. bummed as heck. the busa is hurt pretty badly. no official estimate as of yet as this happened about 5 hours ago and i'm just getting home from the emergency room. a quick lookover tells me i'm gonna need the upper, the windscreen, both mirrors, the instrument cluster, the front fender, possibly the front wheel, one engine cover, some retapping of a fairing mount that's part of the frame, one muffler, (have a yosh on order anyway), maybe clip-ons, clutch lever, brake lever, etc, etc, etc. gonna be expensive. hopefully the forks aren't bent and the frame isn't bent. tried to start it just a short bit ago and it was like really loud. sounded like the header had come loose. (not a good sign of no bent forks.) well, the pain medication is starting to make me really sleepy, (afraid for waking up sober in the morning and remembering my beautiful busa in that shape) i'll keep you posted on repairs if your interested. gee, wonder how long it'll take to get parts? hmmmm. ought to prove interesting. (or very frustrating) well, i'm off to bed.
Sorry to hear of your accident,hope you get better soon.Can't believe the driver did not see you.One of our member of a motorcycle rights group was going home from work when an old man in a Mercedez back out into the street from his drive way and struck our friend and killed her.From witness account she was riding her Harley when the guy came backing out his driveway and just hit her.Other witness later told one of my friends that the cops acted like it was her fault cause one she was riding a Harley,two she was wearing one of those small bennie helmets,three she was a biker chick,kind of makes you sick when people judge you by how you look or what type of transportation you ride or have.Anyways I hope you get better and your bike gets fixed and running good soon.
Damn, sorry to hear about your bike bud. Hope you are ok. I had my dealer come and get mine monday. They said that suzuki is flying a tech out here monday or tuesday to check out my bike. The dealer says it looks like the bike is trying to engage first and second gears at the same time. Not sure as to why yet. I still haven't heard directly from anyone from suzuki yet which is kind of irritating. It would be nice to know if they cared about what happened. When I know more I'll let you know. I'm glad you didn't break anything, but I'll tell you first hand that the bruises and scrapes don't hurt as much as not being able to ride!!!! See ya.