Brothers and sisters...
Now that the econonic downturn has finally stopped kicking the rear-end of the company I work for, I am finally able to get back on the road to see my distributors.
To that end, I am traveling to Oklahoma City on Monday and will be there until Wednesday evening.
Anyone want to try to get together for something something? Maybe a drink/dinner? Photo op?
RSVP here or by PM... I always appreciate the opportunity to meet more .oRg members while I'm on travel...
So far:
BoiseBusa (Boise, ID)
Wolfman (Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
Boosta1395 (Fairbanks, AK)
Revlis (Seattle)
I know it's late notice. Sorry for that.
Now that the econonic downturn has finally stopped kicking the rear-end of the company I work for, I am finally able to get back on the road to see my distributors.
To that end, I am traveling to Oklahoma City on Monday and will be there until Wednesday evening.
Anyone want to try to get together for something something? Maybe a drink/dinner? Photo op?
RSVP here or by PM... I always appreciate the opportunity to meet more .oRg members while I'm on travel...
So far:
BoiseBusa (Boise, ID)
Wolfman (Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
Boosta1395 (Fairbanks, AK)
Revlis (Seattle)
I know it's late notice. Sorry for that.