Oklahoma Sever weather


Dis in my way!
Staff member
I have lived in Oklahoma all of my life and today I saw something weather related that I have never seen before. We had mesocyclones come through this afternoon and the hail core was incredible. Look at the pic below, we got about 8 to 10 inches of hail in about 30 minutes...... The temp was 80 degrees out and just after the storm all of the small hail froze together and cars were literally frozen to the highways.....

Just like it says.
Natural disaters that no one can understand.
It's all over folks.
Kiss your azz's good bye.:laugh:
cool...never even heard of anything like that...
I guess I'll stop whining about Toronto weather. I hope the city is OK (no pun intended) though. Stay safe and cheers.
I've never ever heard of something like that! Pretty amazing actually...hope no one was hurt during the storm...it's that time of year...
I lived in OK for 2 years and found they always had some interesting weather happening there. Mostly it was tornadoes, but tremendous t-storms, hail/ice storms are all possibilities. I had my truck sustain ~$6k worth of hail damage from a storm back in 2001. Needless to say I wasn't happy about that! The guy that was doing the estimate said he was booked solid with 15 minute appointments for a month after that storm! Unbelievable!
Add a crop duster full of Grape cool-aid and we have the worlds largest Sno-cone....

Thats pretty wild.
They found 50 dead ducks that were "knocked unconscience" by the hail and they all plummeted to the ground..... OUCH

Oh man, the ducks are sad...
We have a whole family here every year, they show up around late February, have their babies and then split June or so...There is a pond out back and they come walking up to the rear sliders looking for dinner... last year we had 10 lil babies, only 2 survived, this year looks like Mama got her stuff together and we currently have 9 out of 11 little ones... Now they are teenagers of course and eating just like a teens... So far we have gone through 55lbs of duck food... THough the doves and Cardinals, and Racoons have had there share as well...

Bummer about the Ducks....