Old with new


Dis in my way!
Staff member
This could be fun !!!!!!!

So I was perusing through some old CD's the other day and I ran across one that was many years old. I remember looking at it but didn't have any idea what was on it.. I put it in the CD drive and behold I found the data for the original hayabusa.org back from 1999.

Dustman and myself have been working for several weeks to sort the info out and import it into the current board. I am proud to say that as of this afternoon that we added about 70,000 post to the board from some awesome members past and present. It is a lot of fun to see what was said in 1999 about the hayabusa and to see the kawi guys talking smack back then... You will see a lot of names that are on other boards and some vendors out there that have a great history on the Internet...... I have opened the forums so that you guys can look through there and add your comments six years later.. At the bottom of the main board page there is a new Category called Original.Org Message Boards

Go in there and get a blast from the past.

This should be a great addition to the site and I couldnt have done it without Dustman....

You guys remember I always have something up my sleeve and a project working.

As a side note all of the old users have the prefix of OD (old data) to their screen name. If you were registered back then let me know because I can add all of your post together, change you screen name and your registration date.



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Very cool to have all of that information at our fingertips! I logged back in after the board was offline this afternoon and noticed the new (old) additions right away. It was like being in a time warp. Thanks Cap!!
Wow.......that is SOooooo cooool! I've already scanned through 6 pages and found a favorite topic called "Finally got to meet Frank Adams in person" Located

I remember 1st viewing the old hayabusa.org around April 15th 1999. I then finally registered as a member in June of 1999. The guy at that time that owned the board name was Chase.....and his posted under the screen name BigDog if I remember right.

I think what's really cool is reading stuff from members back then that are still active some where on the internet today.

Captain, I really appreciate the work that you & Dustman have put into getting this back up. I know I'll get alot of enjoyment out of reading some of the old post again. Thanks!
some good stuff from way back.