One of my friends called me @ 12:30 am.


60 Years Young And Still On A Busa!
Donating Member
Yep, one of my buddies I havent seen in a month because he sold his R1,and its been Ramadan.Anyway,he tells me to come join him for a cup of coffee,and then I ask him if he's seen another friend of ours,Mohammed.He says yeah, and that he got a new bike,a 06 Gixxer 1000,I said really? He told me to go to this area we both know and call him to come meet me,when I got there,I phoned him up,and he said he'd be there in a minute.I wait, then I hear the sound of a bike coming,its a brand new 06 1000! People,if you havent seen this new Cranberry,go see it! The bike is absoluetly gorgeous! I'm gonna wait to post pics till I get some in the daylight.But trust me,no color before comes close to this! Its gonna be real hard not to buy either this bike,or one jus like it.Get to a suzuki dealer and see this color.The pixs Ted posted up dont do it justice!,They werent bad pics, you just have to see it in person. NJ.

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Update,I just called my guy at Meridian in Fayettenam,He said that the color I'm talking about is not available in the us on the 1000, just the 750 and the busa.It's either a Japan,European model.I checked the suzuki web site, they dont say anything about the color not being available in the US.Sorry if I sent you on a wild goose chase,I'm gonna try to get some daytime pics of this machine tomorrow.NJ.Its gonna really suck if you cant get that color there!