So I get up at 4:00am and head to the southern part of my territory which is 6 hours away. I get there and get a call from the boss. Where you at? I tell him and he say's "good, that isn't that bad"... I prepare myself as he explains he forgot to inform me of a meeting 3 hours away from and it's mandatory we have reperesentation. Might I mention he lives 2 hours from the meeting. OK. So a little more detail. I drove THROUGH the city he needs me at 3 hours ago. He wants me to turn around and drive the 3 hour stretch all over again and then turn around again and drive the 3 hours back to where I am at the time of the conversation for an afternoon appointment. Well... I accept the good and the bad with my position so I turn around and drive. 2 hours into my 3 hour journey BACK to the city I had already been he calls me and said he made a mistake. The meeting was yesterday. I drove 10 hours today and got one appointment covered. Now if that's not efficient I don't know what is. BTW - I cover my own expenses.