One reason NOT to buy a ZX-12!


Hmmm... The first part of the "article" (next to the pic of the launching 9R) seemed to make your point. As I read on, it seemed to take a swipe at all sportbikes... INCLUDING the Busa, as pictured next to this quote:

"Buy a bike with splashy color schemes that yell out, "I'm cool!". Do buy a bike with mismatching multiple color schemes. Solid color schemes are for old wheezers."

This part apperared to attack closer to home, for the Busa owner (also known as a GSX1300"R"):

"As a second choice, you can get by with anything that has lots of letters and acronyms with an "R" somewhere in there. i.e. GSXR, CBR, FZR, etc."

Since the 12R isn't in the showroom and the ZX11 doesn't have the "R" (and comes in only ONE solid "wheezer" color), Kawasaki doesn't currently have a bike that really applies to this quote:

"Buy a bike with the biggest engine size you can possibly afford, preferably 1100cc's & up. Despite what some may say, there is no scientific proof of an inverse relationship between the size of your engine and the size of your penis. And even though the fat porkers usually don't handle anything like the smaller-racier brethren, others don't know that, and it has much better pose-value."

The Busa's a "porker"? The Busa doesn't "handle anything like the smaller, racier brethern"? If I was a busa owner, I'd be as offended (if it wasn't so stupid) as future 12R owners.
Redelk, just a little lighthearted humor! Thats all. Honestly, I don't judge anyone or their riding skills by what brand they ride. I'm sure the ZX-12 will keep you smilin' just like my busa does for me.

MOTORHEAD, you GOT that right!!!!!!!!