Opinion on what I’m almost certain is a blown head gasket…


Donating Member
Hey everyone…
I joined the forum way back when I purchased my 2006 bike and of course have loved it ever since then… always has been my dream bike and always will be!
Over those years, I maintained the bike well and have massed up almost 75,000 miles on it and rode it up until about seven years ago. When I got away from riding it very often, I garaged it so it was put up and protected. The last time I rode it was about six years ago and that was only to run it to a new home we were moving into. On that last ride, the bike almost overheated on me almost to red line before I realized it and got stopped. I got to the new home and the bike showed no signs at that time of anything being wrong even though it got close to overheating.
Fast-forward several years now and I got away from riding the Busa about six years ago. I have kept it put up in my garage as I said about six years now and recently decided I wanted to try to restore it and get back on the road with it.
Trying to revive everything I have, of course, changed oil as one of my first tasks and noticed the oil was milky really bad, which made me think possible head gasket was blown in that last episode many years ago. I am in the process of tearing the bike down still trying to move forward. I pulled the airbox off tonight and opened the throttle to look down into the head and as you will see in this pic, there is moisture in the number three intake on either the intake or exhaust valve and that is from me just turning the motor over by battery, but not starting it…. Just turning the motor over there is fluid pooled on top of the valve. I ran a towel down to the moisture and pulled it back out and I’m almost 100% positive that it’s coolant. Has the oil feel and looks like coolant so that’s pretty solid that it’s a blown head gasket am I correct?
See the pics and let me know what you think also… this really stinks but before I get too deep into it, I just want to ask the group. What am I looking at? Engine removal and engine teardown? Pulling the head and getting it inspected for warpage or cracks and getting it reworked and replacing the head gasket?
I appreciate you reading my long rant. I’m just really bummed out right now. I was hoping that it wasn’t serious, but it seems to be…..




