The only format thing that really sticks out to me is the top red thing that gets cut off by the picture thing. Why not let the red top border go all the way across and have the picture start below it...
Agreed, also the bar at the bottom seems to be over powering the area with very little information on it. I would try to scale it down a bit.
Punctuation is key on something like this. There are many grammar errors in the text. Down to even the spacing between sentences needs to be consistent. For example:
Welcome !! Lucky You ! This site was built for the working class that bust their butts working for a living and like the same adrenaline pumping life-style as myself. I'll be giving honest gear reviews, money saving tips, health tips. So if you're like me and like Guns, Motorcycles, Martial Arts, Health topics, etc Then explore our site.!!!!
You have spaces between "welcome" and "!!". Do you really need two !!, if not then one will do just fine. At the end of the paragraph you have a period and several !. In the third paragraph you have a sentence end, then another start right after that with no spaces.
Read it out loud to yourself and check for flow. Also, be sure to raise your voice in an exited manner when ready sentences that are followed with !. Microsoft word with spelling and grammar checker can be a life saver in something like this.
One more quick thing after looking at it again, on the right side you have "What we do". Stick with "Watt" as that is your gimmick or catch phrase for the site.