Our Freinds from the Peanut Gallery...


...seem to be strangely quite, espcialy in light of the recall issue..."too bad"...the board is a bit dull these days...lots of usefull info and contacts and all, but it just isn't the same...I need something to get the old lady laffing!
go to the CD review :)

SOME PEOPLE ya know, SOME PEOPLE just don't get it! :)

Todays Busa Riddle: What has 13 dangerous turns in a row? :(

Come back to this thread to post your answer.

The clue is in the CD review thread :)
I agree we're acting like a bunch of recently horse-whipped schoolboys, but the place needed a clean up.

Venting is excellent fun, especially when there's an easy target like FC or Toobad. Poison penning is an art form of which many masters are resident here.

But I'd sure rather reserve the bile for the gas company.

Let's get used to the absence of dorks to kill, and start smackin' each good-natured-like upside the cyberface the way we usta.

Right?...KawAbuser you sanctimonious old acid freak, Todd you vile-tempered mad-dog perfectionist, Turtle you spotlight-shy spotlight seeker, Maui you hula up-skirter in drag, Yngve you turbo-powered caribou salvager and Hapo you SpellChek eschewer with Alzheimers*?

Are we back on track here yet?

'Avin any fun yet Hapo?

Nomex on. Halon handy.

Bring'em on.

*Knowing that many who are equally deserving of insults have been left out, I ask the aggrieved to post below. Custom insults will follow directly.

[This message has been edited by Dirty Pete (edited 10 October 1999).]
Hey Dirty Pete, you missed that Maui once claimed me to be from the Islands mon, dreadloc's and all. Looking for Hooligan Kawpukes in dark alleys to perform sacrificial voodoo priest rituals upon.

Think of me as a nightmare inspired Jamaican Vacation tour guide who is allways willing to help others.

Where are the meat pies and the goat blood?

You can sure tell it's raining! :)
I resemble that remark

Take that…(insert sound of glove smacking face)…and that (insert sound of glove smacking face with5 lb. diving weight inside).

Kawabuser on acid, now that's a scary thought. Pete, did you think I'd let you get away with that? I'm still waiting for my wallet back! Gonna have to release those mpeg's of you playin with the Barbie's......and you said they were for your kids. S&M Barbie is kinda cute though.

Ranger's site looks cool, a little competition is good. Big Dog is going to have to reopen for new members again, or risk being over taken. I don't mind the recent moderation as much as others do, It would be better of course if there were none, but that's a bit idealistic. We shall see what kind of s*** goes down on ranger's site, he may end up with a real handful if it turns into a cesspool.

If the moderation makes it too hard for people to express themselves, then they should try to make better command of the language (sorry hapo). Dirty Pete has managed to post for several days in row without cussing (I hear his entire staff at work now wears full hockey attire when he's in). Kawabuser has yet to prove that he's not 6'10 & 325 lbs. And every one else is now on Valium (ranger will be soon). I myself have had to resort to self-medication, besides the nurses here prefer not to come in my room.

Was that on topic?
...you forgot about the arthritis...not nice to make fun of disabled...I usualy remember the way home, but at least I got a good excuse ifin I don't...although you have made your point that no one is irreplaceable, mentel cripples have rights too...
I don't joke about arthritis, or bercidis, or road rash, owwee!

Cheer up hapo, a least you got one of those damn machines!
Pulled my Barbies ankles far apart as I could tonight because my family was downstairs cuttin up a live chicken (Canadian Thanksgiving today) and there was nothin up inside there that Momma said would be there.

I glued her back together and put her prettiest dress on.

Maui, if you would like to court my Barbie, I'd be honored and I'd lend you my '73 Trans Am with shaker hood for your first date.
I had a '77, gotta love those shock-absorbing bumpers!

This is the kind of stuff that breaks up a day, exposing the lewd practices of your friends when they won't share their toys. The people that I don't like don't get humoristic satire. Nor can they make up words like humoristic.
As someone said---you can sure tell it's a rainy weekend. I dont' even have a Barbie. Cat looks pretty good though.
Earl we had chinese food yesterday, one can not live on jerk chicken alone.

viol8r, are you keeping the sheep for yourself :)

We have to be careful of Baaa...Baaa...Bad Jokes around here :)

[This message has been edited by KawAbuser (edited 11 October 1999).]

I heard about that town, I also heard the only ones (sheep) left are really ugly.

maybe some of our New Zeland buds could help out?
You perverts.

Goats and sheep are not appropriate objects for sexual desire.

There are many orifices on your motorcycle that are more socially acceptably and more gratifying as well.

Not to mention less likely to give you newer, more virulent strains of Hoof and Mouth, Anthrax, Mad Cow and others of the many serious but currently-under-control disorders that we motorcyclists are exposed to every day on the lonely trail we ride called Life.

Next time you see some poor little quadraped scurrying to get under the fence and back to its herd, resist the temptation to help it through with the old "Frisco Push."
That might explain the rising interest in ram air

Whoa this thread is getting ugly

[This message has been edited by maui (edited 11 October 1999).]
!this is geting disgusting...I'd better go get my wife...I wouldn't trust any of you alone with a moped after this...