Our oldest son returned from the Marine Corps .


After 4 years he was released last Thursday.
Corporal Hendricks has come home from sunny California to pursue a engineering degree using the GI bill, and additional 150 hours in Texas from the Hazelwood act.
His mother and I hoped he had gotten organized. Nope! Glad he's home safe though. Some Marines never got a chance :(.


After 4 years he was released last Thursday.
Corporal Hendricks has come home from sunny California to pursue a engineering degree using the GI bill, and additional 150 hours in Texas from the Hazelwood act.
His mother and I hoped he had gotten organized. Nope! Glad he's home safe though. Some Marines never got a chance :(.

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He move into your basement?
That's one thing the US military has over the Canadian military (other than the obvious), is the GI bill....

After our young people do their initial contract, they are shown the door and that's it.

I echo the words of others, you have a lot to be proud of.
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Thanks everyone. I'll throw a few more photos tomorrow. Boy is he still a slob though ;) spent a ll evening cleaning /unpacking his stuff. Going to send off his Corporal rankings to his little brother LCpl
time for him to grow a beard and smoke some pot. tell him two things on behalf of all of us here, one thank him for his service, and two, the largest amphibious assault in history was undertaken and successfully completed by the ARMY. Go Army beat Navy!
Hopefully his service has taught him the self-discipline to take that GI Bill money and make something of his life with it. I have always told those I counseled about military service to "pick a specialty that has a real-world job waiting for you to get out, if that is your choice". Best wishes.