Our USA economic collapse

It used to be.. repressing your state/country was an honor. Now its a career, they get paid allot of money, great health care, their own retirement. They are like everyone else, they want a better life for them and their family. Not you and me.

It's hard to make change when the people making the changes, like the way it is...
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Repressing, now that's some freudian slip right there :laugh:

Stop watching the news. The sky isn't falling. Well not today anyway. :whistle:
That's funny. Not worried in the least. I know what's for dinner, my kids are healthy and I have gas for my bike
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It has been looking sad to me for over twenty years. Our country needs a major correction.

And I'm not talking the socialism we are currently being offered.
That's it!! The power of the .org, we will all put DO3 as a write in!!
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The only people we have to blame is OURSELVES. We keep electing people with low character but fast talk that look good in front of a teleprompter, but pretty much worthless otherwise. What right-minded individual would want to be a politician (which is exactly the problem).
The ability to get elected must be overhauled.. But the wont change as they would have to change it
The only people we have to blame is OURSELVES. We keep electing people with low character but fast talk that look good in front of a teleprompter, but pretty much worthless otherwise. What right-minded individual would want to be a politician (which is exactly the problem).

When intelligent, informed voters are greatly outweighed in our country by racially/poverty/socially charged persons, we are set up to fail.

There are not enough educated people in the country to make qualified decisions, and the politicians keep it that way. In addition, we are not given a very good choice, since we must choose between the lesser of two evils.

The election system is flawed because the regular man can not run with ample levels of success, and we can blame both partisan and media for this.

The idiocy continues with our leaders in office. They cant quite comprehend what actually makes this country run and our clouded by the gripes of the general population which only wants what benefits them, and not everyone.

Seems there are alot of people in the general pop that like to complain about big corporations and their profits. They want to shut down corps because of either personal experiences theyve had or success. That simply is not good for anyone.

Its a very simple concept when it comes to the wellness of the population and employment. It seems the governments misinformed solution is to create jobs. When the government creates jobs, they are public sector jobs, which drains the taxes that are collected, and we dig deeper into the deficit and devalue our country. We look at tiny pieces of the problem for solutions instead of try to solve the problem by looking through the steps of cause and effect.

Problem: Unemployment is high
Solution: Create public sector jobs
Effect: More jobs are being paid with tax money reducing the input/output of taxes, putting us in the poor house.

Problem: Unemployment is high
Solution: Assist the big evil corps with benefit programs that encourage the expansion and employment of workers.
Effect: Corporations are encourages to expand, putting more people into the private sector workforce, allowing the government to collect more in taxes, reduce the spending deficit, start living in the black on balance sheets, increase the value of the country, allow for more programs that encourage private sector work, decrease the employment rate further, collect more taxes, etc.

Not a hard concept. But when people lead the country that are not affected by their own decisions, we never get to this point. The general population is helpless because the ignorant far out number the educated, and those that get in positions that can make a different, suppress everyone else.
When intelligent, informed voters are greatly outweighed in our country by racially/poverty/socially charged persons, we are set up to fail.

There are not enough educated people in the country to make qualified decisions, and the politicians keep it that way. In addition, we are not given a very good choice, since we must choose between the lesser of two evils.

The election system is flawed because the regular man can not run with ample levels of success, and we can blame both partisan and media for this.

The idiocy continues with our leaders in office. They cant quite comprehend what actually makes this country run and our clouded by the gripes of the general population which only wants what benefits them, and not everyone.

Seems there are alot of people in the general pop that like to complain about big corporations and their profits. They want to shut down corps because of either personal experiences theyve had or success. That simply is not good for anyone.

Its a very simple concept when it comes to the wellness of the population and employment. It seems the governments misinformed solution is to create jobs. When the government creates jobs, they are public sector jobs, which drains the taxes that are collected, and we dig deeper into the deficit and devalue our country. We look at tiny pieces of the problem for solutions instead of try to solve the problem by looking through the steps of cause and effect.

Problem: Unemployment is high
Solution: Create public sector jobs
Effect: More jobs are being paid with tax money reducing the input/output of taxes, putting us in the poor house.

Problem: Unemployment is high
Solution: Assist the big evil corps with benefit programs that encourage the expansion and employment of workers.
Effect: Corporations are encourages to expand, putting more people into the private sector workforce, allowing the government to collect more in taxes, reduce the spending deficit, start living in the black on balance sheets, increase the value of the country, allow for more programs that encourage private sector work, decrease the employment rate further, collect more taxes, etc.

Not a hard concept. But when people lead the country that are not affected by their own decisions, we never get to this point. The general population is helpless because the ignorant far out number the educated, and those that get in positions that can make a different, suppress everyone else.

Outstanding post sir.

Exactly. The great thing about our country is that everyone gets the same vote. The bad thing about our country is that everyone gets the same vote. There are the givers (those that put into the system) and the takers (those that leech off the system). Once the takers outnumber the givers, the the takers can take whatever they want from the givers, so why by a giver?

Our forefathers who wrote our Constituion could not envision a situation like this, as they saw America as a land of opportunity with unlimited resources for those who wanted to make something better of their lives. Most people had the Judeo-Christian values of hard work and clean living and had come to this country because they just wanted an opportunity and there were here aplenty. Most had either served, or helped fight off the British. What a shame that apathy and greed have swallowed us up, and WE ALLOWED IT TO HAPPEN.

The one's in the middle can save this country at the next election and vote conservative. Now, I think my Republican party has problems too (with the Tea Party is effecting to the positive), but I'd bet that the conservatives have a better chance of providing a fix than the 'progressives' can any day of the week. I also intend to hold my own party accountable if (when :please:) we get control of all three houses again. It's going to be mean and dirty, but the future survivial of this nation depends on us getting control of our government again before it's too late (and it may be already). President Obama and his liberal supporters have shown us the real nightmare of their future, and IT IS US. Hopefully enough people will wake up from their cash-induced sugar rush.

My dad always said he's rather work for a rich man than a poor man; why this is lost on most poor people is just petty jealousy. Too many live on the dole that could easily work.

I'll tell you what, I'll make a deal with the progressives: I'll agree to pay another point in income taxes, if they'll get rid of the Earned Income Tax Credit (paying cash to people in 'refunds' who never paid taxes in the first place). And I'll pay TWO more points if they'll use the money to seal the border and enforce immigration law (which will create jobs for citizens); then, start reducing the welfare benefit by 2% a month - eventually, we'll find the break-even point where people are more willing to go work (and there will be jobs available) rather than sit on their tail and collect bennies...
All of this is why Ron Paul is the only man that deserves my vote.:thumbsup:

I would run myself but I would never have a chance because I do what I want and dont allow other people to tell me different. But then again, my ideas actually make sense, so thats another strike against me.
Our economic problems are the result of bad policies.

I think the many different forms of welfare discourage people from doing things for themselves. These welfare programs were originally created to be a temporary helping-hand, but in modern times they have become a way of life for many people, who see welfare as an income they are entitled too. This has made those people very nonproductive.

There is nothing more toxic to a country than a policy that discourages personal responsibility, and teaches people how to avoid work.

Should there be some basic/limited welfare programs in place? Yes. But only with strict rules including drug testing. If I must (and I do!) drug test to earn the money that will fund welfare programs, than why is it unfair to require the person who gets my hard earned money, to be drug tested?

In this country you are free to succeed as far as your abilities take you. But this freedom also permits individuals to make poor life decisions. When this happens, it should not be a burden to responsible people to fix your personal mess.

This is just one example of a failed system currently in place, there are many...
the problem is us....

until we decide we want change, we will be stuck with the same leadership we have now.

what is the solution? get off your asses, off your couches and off your computers and be a part of the system. make change.
want to make a "change"? have more of a say?
1st get involved. be a part of the bill making process. sit in and testify in subcommittees, lobby. then......
:poke: run for office!

only when we become part of the solution, can we then address the problems.
I get an interesting economic commentary daily, just thought I would share todays. This is why I think the Tea Party may be the hope and salvation of our Country, as they are forcing conservatives (and the public) to face the music that hard decisions are going to have to be made. I know the liberals can't, and some of those RHINO's can't either. It's not going to be pretty, but the Tea Party is the only ones (with our support) that can make it happen. BTW, It's going to take a tax increase too (which conservatives need to get over) but only when spending concessions are ON THE BOOKS AS LAW.

Too Little and Too Late
The assumption on the part of Congress was that there was an actual deadline. As long as they made their
decisions before August 2, all would be well. It seemed not to matter that the financial community had been
sending signals for weeks that much of the damage to the US reputation and the overall economy had already
been done. It also escaped the notice of Congress that there was a strong desire for something substantial to
come from all this. If the US was going to teeter on the brink of self-imposed financial collapse it should at
least have been worth the sacrifice. When the legislators finally cut a deal there was an expectation that they
would be rewarded for all their hard work and the statements that came from the leadership were all about selfcongratulation.
Unfortunately the damage had indeed been done and the US economy is in worse shape than it has been
thus far this year. The bounce in the markets lasted for about three hours before the markets started crashing
again and as of today the negative run has been as long as it has been all year. The US is still likely to see
some form of debt downgrade from one or perhaps two of the ratings agencies. The deal was minimal and
advanced the goal of debt reduction very little. If anything this weak response has made people even more
nervous and skeptical than they were before. If this is the best that could be done with default staring them in
the face - what will it take to get the political leaders to do something serious.
The disappointment in the US effort is nearly universal but the real problem is that the US is far from alone
in this struggle. The Europeans are having an even more crisis ridden year and it now looks like Spain and
Italy are about to sail over the brink and in part due to the same issues in the US. The political decisions
necessary to bring these states back into fiscal health have proven impossible to make.

There is nothing simple about economic and financial recovery and there is nothing simple about
correcting decades of fiscal irresponsibility. The primary problem at the moment is that few politicians are
taking these threats as seriously as they should. It is still far more important to pander to constituents or to
stick to one’s ideological guns than it is to deal with the crisis. The facts are as plain as they can possibly be
but that doesn’t mean that they have been accepted.
The solution to the debt crisis will require very deep changes in the way that government interacts with
the population and nobody in the nation is going to like it. There will be almost universal pain, it is really too
late for winners at this stage. There have to very deep cuts in spending as the US cannot continue borrowing
40 cents on every dollar. These cuts will have to come in areas that have been sacred to many and these cuts
will affect almost every American. At the same time there will have to be revenue increases. The debt is
simply too great to address by spending cuts alone. Taxes will have to increase but the way they increase and
who pays them remains to be determined. If the cuts are too deep and haphazard there will be real suffering
and if taxation is handled badly the growth potential for the nation is compromised. It is not simple but
ignoring the issues facing the country has led the US far too close to the brink far too often.

I know there's a lot bigger picture than we all can see.. I usually fallow the $$$ and see where it leads .. IF our Gov. can tax us getting 50% + percent , maybe thats why they're letting all the illegals over and trying to have open bourders . We make mexico part of us and start taxing the mexicans 50 % and build their ecoonemy by sending all the jobs down there... heres a clip on U tube . can this be true?
Amero - North American Currency‬‏ - YouTube[/url]
Me thinks we're getting it broke off in us..DRY ..
I just got an email from a company Manager that works over seas.. He said starting real soon that the people from India , Pakastan, Iraq etc etc will be bidding on the jobs that the americans are doing.. Theres very little work in the states and now when you go work overseas you'll be working for $8.60 an hour.. So we teach the foreigners how to do a job then they take ours by working cheaper.. I think America before its over will be drinking from the bottom of the cup.. I hope I'm wrong.... Thanks for all the post guys , I like seeing what you think and it shows me not all are asleep ..
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Simply put, socialist programs are the problem. Anyone who takes from a system that they dont put into is a drain on society. We have allowed this drain on our economy for a long time and it only gets worse because we do not encourage them to get better, we actually encourage them to drain us more.

Its no surprised we are on this track. This is what happens when you give people something they dont deserve, they take and take and take and never give back. Thats why illegals flood here, and thats why socialist spending is ridiculous.

But we have soooo many bleeding heart americans that think we need to be taking care of everyone else, because its not coming from their pocket, when in actuality it is, theyre just to blind to see it. Anyone who fights for illegals is, in my eyes, guilty of treason, because we give illegals the opportunity to come here....legally, and when we allow them to be here without following that, we are encouraging that, and that is treason.

If you wont take care of yourself, nobody else should. There was a time where it was survival of the fittest, and that worked great, we had strong societies. Now its "how much can I say people owe me so i dont have to do anything, ever"

If you dont contribute, or are at least trying to contribute, GET OUT!