out of gas?

Big Daddy Chris

Hey! I'm new to your world of BUSAdom. Glad to be here, though. Maybe someone can offer a suggestion as to what's going on with my tank. After 4 gal., or so, she dies like she's out of gas, but, when I look in the tank, I see fuel. The low fuel light never came on and the needle is at the top of the red! Anyone, anyone, anyone?!
Does it die at a stop? While you are riding down the street? Need a little more info.
I truly ran mine dry once... Filled up with 4.9 gallons, good thing the last 1 mile was down hill, it sputtered on me on a hill, I looked down and oooops, 200 + miles since last fill up.
only happens after i use 4 gal. it's like i have a reserve tank, but, it's ont being used. also, on low fuel, she sputters up hill.
Busa does not have a reserve tank. Don't honestly know what the problem could be except maybe a bad pump. I'm no mechanic though.
didn't want to do it, but, i guess i'll leave it with a dealer and have them chase it down.:( she runs great, otherwise. thanx for the threads!