Owners manual



I took the plunge, the B12 is gone and I'm now a Hayabusa owner. '02 bike and is mint. The only thing is the last owner lost the owners manual. Does anyone know where I can download one from.

I already have a workshop manual but it would be nice to have the user manual too. Otherwise I might be asking some silly questions here that would easily be solved using the user manual.

Give vman1300 a shout (PM).... He's on vacation right now! But should be back in a couple of days. I'm sure he can get you a new copy.

Anyone else have one of these laying around. If so maybe they could send you a copy or just give you theirs.......
If you do a search for it, you might find a thread on which there was a link that allowed you to download the Suzuki shop service manual. I have it downloaded onto my home computer and could email it to you if you can find it here or at suzukihayabusa.org.

Yep, I got that manual, but what I'm really after is the little book that comes with the bike when sold.
I feel your pain. I had my 2006 for about 1 week and my 'ol lady accidentaly threw it out!!!
If vman can't hook you up give me a PM...I have a extra one for a 03 model
If you do a search for it, you might find a thread on which there was a link that allowed you to download the Suzuki shop service manual.  I have it downloaded onto my home computer and could email it to you if you can find it here or at suzukihayabusa.org.

He wants the "owners manual" not the "service" one
Read people "owner's manual".....the one in the little black pouch that is supposed to come with the bike
Since i bought mine from Canada.. it came with two owners manual.
one in English and one in French.

i can send you the French if that will help.

PM me..