Pacific Northwest

Well I had another MRI on my lower back. The results, it looks the same as it did before I had surgery two years ago. That means another 20%-30% of the disc from L4-L5 has leaked into the cavity that the herniated disc was ocuppying. That leaves me with about 40% of the disc intact. The doc is sending me to a Spine specialist to discuss the options. I need to go back to the V.A. before that happens. The nuerosurgery team did the initial partial disc removal since I messed up my back while I was active duty.
A little progress on the ailing CBR. It's a lot cleaner now. I have the new ignition ready to go, then it's fighter time!


Hey TruWrecks,Frisbee,BigSmooth and the rest of the N.W. Posse

I hope all is well with everyone..
Just checking in and Im going for a ride..
Weather is good and Im not working this weekend..
Cool deal 321. I might head up to Lake Rose on HWY 20 tomorrow. I have to bleed the brakes on the Busa tonight so I have front brakes again. I replaced the brake lines with Goodrich.
Hey I'm back ! I did my training and now I work for Horizon Air . The pay sucks but the bennies are great . Good enough for now .
I thought about starting a new thread for my 20,000th post, but then
I decided to put it in this forum. I have made lots of friends here
on the ORG over the years and this is the thread that I keep coming
back to.

to another 20K
I hate to admit it....but I'm actually glad you're here too.

Ya frikkin post hore...
Hey all, just thought I'd pop in since its been awhile. We've been getting nailed with mortars and people have been getting hurt so they do commo blackouts often so the Army can get a hold of the next of kin before anyone else. I'm doing well though.

I'm trying to decide on what I'm going to get next, and I think its come to the brakes. I'm planning on getting new lines, pads, and rotors. So, Galfer rotors, HH or Galfer pads, and probably Galfer lines since I noticed they have black lines. After I get this stuff I should be good for a little while, until I see a windscreen I like, then that will hold me over.

Anywho, I'm still around, often lurking!
Hey all, just thought I'd pop in since its been awhile. We've been getting nailed with mortars and people have been getting hurt so they do commo blackouts often so the Army can get a hold of the next of kin before anyone else. I'm doing well though.

I'm trying to decide on what I'm going to get next, and I think its come to the brakes. I'm planning on getting new lines, pads, and rotors. So, Galfer rotors, HH or Galfer pads, and probably Galfer lines since I noticed they have black lines. After I get this stuff I should be good for a little while, until I see a windscreen I like, then that will hold me over.

Anywho, I'm still around, often lurking!
Keep your head down friend. Come home in one piece.

Thank you for your service to our country.
What they said!

Thank you again!!!!!!!!

Take a look at Goodrich Shadow lines. I just put some on my Busa. I'll post pictures later tonignt.

I had goodrich lines on my old busa . Had them coustom made downtown Tacoma . I think I paid about $65.