Pacific Northwest

Jeez, this place is dead! 8 days have passed and not a single post? Seriously everyone, this is one of my main sources of entertainment, and I feel I'm not getting my money's worth. Don't force me to fire everyone and look for new entertainment!


Now get on it and start talking!
8 days ?? Did a motar round land alittle close to you ? This page was started 8 days ago .
Anyway without you theres nobody worth talking to brother !
. You missed it here , it SNOWED in everett yesterday and was snowing here when I got up .
Hey all, just thought I'd pop in since its been awhile. We've been getting nailed with mortars and people have been getting hurt so they do commo blackouts often so the Army can get a hold of the next of kin before anyone else. I'm doing well though.

I'm trying to decide on what I'm going to get next, and I think its come to the brakes. I'm planning on getting new lines, pads, and rotors. So, Galfer rotors, HH or Galfer pads, and probably Galfer lines since I noticed they have black lines. After I get this stuff I should be good for a little while, until I see a windscreen I like, then that will hold me over.

Anywho, I'm still around, often lurking!
Keep your head down friend.  Come home in one piece.

Thank you for your service to our country.
ABM rotors,Carbone Lorraine pads,and Speigler Lines are the ticket.Keep ya head down...
[officespace] I wouldn't say I missed it Bob [/officespace]

I love the snow and all, but I'd tweak if I was home right now and it was snowing and I wasn't able to ride... I'm going to put a lot of miles on the Busa when I get home, so I need it sunny and nice!
I was put of town from Wed to Sunday morning. This is my first time back on the org since Wed. I'm twitching to ride, and the weather people are saying more snow on the way.

hello everyone...armybusa I know what you meen,I was there in 05 in balad (anaconda)...anyway, get back safe! said you were looking for a windscreen,i just put a puig db on mine and love it....and finally my brocks shortmeg exhaust gets here tomorow!!!!i ordered there pc with the street map too...cant wait....just wanted to stop in and say whats up to all the pacific northwest people
Whats up mikeridesbikes ?? Stick around this thread . We get together every now and then .
will do frisbee! I plan on making a trip to seattle this summer,I love it there,but would never move there lol,way to many people for me,spokane is getting bad enough. tired of this crappy weather,I did get to put 600 miles on my bike couple weeks ago
hello everyone...armybusa I know what you meen,I was there in 05 in balad (anaconda)...anyway, get back safe! said you were looking for a windscreen,i just put a puig db on mine and love it....and finally my brocks shortmeg exhaust gets here tomorow!!!!i ordered there pc with the street map too...cant wait....just wanted to stop in and say whats up to all the pacific northwest people
I was there in '05 also... I was with 512th Maintenance and we worked just about across the street from the airfield. I'm holding out for a Zero Gravity windscreen, but if they don't have anything out close to when I get home (August timeframe), then I'm sure I'll find a good alternative.

Welcome to the .oRg! Don't be a stranger!
You can get a Zero Gravity in any color you want from Streetntrack here on the board . Thats where I got my yellow one . (and they don't make a yellow one for the busa.)
512 maintanance that sounds familiar,we were rite next to air strip to..i was with 659th engineer comp. we were stuck on the corner lot...i got my exhaust today,i had to kinda guess my way through it,brocks gave me instructions for streetmeg instead of the shortmeg...i got it on,buddy put the pc on.didnt do the airbox mod yet,but started it up and drove around the block real quick,sounded good...anyone know how tight your suppose to tighten the header bolts?
Fris, I check the website pretty often but they still aren't listing anything new for the '08. Are the bolt patterns the same?

I passed 100 posts! Woo!
512 maintanance that sounds familiar,we were rite next to air strip to..i was with 659th engineer comp. we were stuck on the corner lot...i got my exhaust today,i had to kinda guess my way through it,brocks gave me instructions for streetmeg instead of the shortmeg...i got it on,buddy put the pc on.didnt do the airbox mod yet,but started it up and drove around the block real quick,sounded good...anyone know how tight your suppose to tighten the header bolts?
23Nm for all exhaust bolts is what the manuel says for the gen 1 busa . I would imagine it would be the same since it is the same motor , just stroked.
Fris, I check the website pretty often but they still aren't listing anything new for the '08. Are the bolt patterns the same?

I passed 100 posts! Woo!
I think that the shields are different . You should just send him a PM .

Congrates on 100 !!
Now all you got to do is catch up with Ba!
Frisbee, good to here from you today, if you want to take a little tour beyond the QX area let me know, we can meet up show you our office area and take you out between the runways and things. I have the all access pass.
Hey guys, I'll be out of the loop for a couple days. The wife and I are going to Qatar on a 4-day pass for some sun and fun. I'm sure they have computers there but I don't know how often I will be on them. Just thought I'd let you guys know I'm not going to be getting blown up for about a week or so (travel to and from Qatar). Hope everyone is going well, and I'll talk to you guys soon!
