Packer fans


Motorboatin' Moonpies, Gangnam Style
I mentioned at the Bash, and I've mentioned to people on here that Packer fans are the most idiotic fools in the world. If anyone has never seen these fools first hand, here is a little video that is going viral and these things happen weekly during the off-season, and daily during the football season. I want outta here bad, these people make me wanna puke. Its a lot like Raiders fans, only shameless, and a little more "trailer-parky"

Umm, enjoy? :banghead:

I rather enjoyed that. What do you expect from a team who is owned not by one person but the City? Green Bay fans are loyal. Not that I own season tickets, but I am a fan.

Let me go find a video of 'Skins fans NOT crying and walking out on games :poke:

Oh wait, that doesn't exist :rofl:
hey, leave us Raiders fans out of this :thumbsup:

I liked it. I am a Packer Fan.
There is no more loyal fan than a Packer Fan. Through winning seasons and even losing seasons. We are fans. And like TwoTone said Name one other team in any sport that is owned by the fans and not some Rich Douchebag who threatens to pull the team if they don't get a new stadium or some other gift.

Just saying.
