Pager codes

Mikey D

OK folks...

Momma quit her job as a chemist and is going back to school to be an Elementary Ed. Teacher.  Subsequently, we are trimming our expenses and nuked the cell phone.  

(We had 2 land lines and the cell and it was costing us over $200/month!)

Tammy went out and for $60 got a year's worth of pager service.

Now we are trying to come up with pager codes so we can communcate.  

PH# + 911 means call home immediately - emergency
PH# + 411 means call home - I need some information
5683 = I love you

Seeing as how you's guys are the most communicative peeps around...

Got any cool codes?
uhh...a little different here.

143 - I love you
5177173 - smile

She can also get an alpha numeric pager so that you can call in a message or go to the provider's website and put the message in there. She can also get those cool pagers that are semi-alpha numeric. Those are the ones where you input a code and the pager converts your message into the corresponding message in letters. For example, *49 will show up as "I love you" on her pager.

Just something to think about, Mikey.
uhh...a little different here.

143 - I love you
5177173 - smile

She can also get an alpha numeric pager so that you can call in a message or go to the provider's website and put the message in there. She can also get those cool pagers that are semi-alpha numeric. Those are the ones where you input a code and the pager converts your message into the corresponding message in letters. For example, *49 will show up as "I love you" on her pager.

Just something to think about, Mikey.
Thanks Pacific.

I know this is the wrong board to be talking about anything cheep!

She's got the little pager already, we just need to figure out how to best communicate with it.

On the bright side, two years from now she should have a job!

I prolly need to go to or sumpthin.
hell, I remember when it was kool just to HAVE a pager.... then the chrome chain... then the pager with the side view.... then...... ahh. nevermind.
hehe...mine has the theme from Hawaii Five-O and Jingle Bells as some of the musical alerts.

Yo'd you rip those races, bro?
ripped some standard mph's, with a few bugs... only got 3 runs in.
imagine 1st time back on the bike since the accident... 6 months ..... was a bit spooky.

next time will be sweeter.
thx for askin p.
Heheh....I can only imagine. It musta been a trip to be back on your baby...and pretty nuts at the same time. I know I would be real apprehensive to get back on it after something like that.

Ya gotta let me know how you rip the next one, bro! And if you don't mind, I'm gonna be rippin up the track too...prolly by the end of the year, and I would like to pick your brain a little for some useful tips. heheh...mebbe we can race on-line! Kinda like goin to the strip and getting our time slips and posting it here. Wouldn't that be awesome?

I think I found a new topic for the Racing Thread!

didn't remember I had momma's pager w/ me last night. Got off of work round 8P & it went off in vibro mode, it was in the inside breast pocket (Yeah pac-boy, I said breast!) and I though I dropped something, startled the sh!t outa me!

MUAHAHA....I shall jack all threads known to mankind!!! Cotton, wool, rayon, SILK...oooh...I like silk....feels so...smooth....