Real helpful feedback there, Waltman. You must have been the Marketing Director for ExLax at one point in your career.
Earl, we tried "HAYABUSA" in flowing type, but it fights the bird graphic. We WILL try other colors for that word, though, thanks. Might go for a sky blue background, too.
Vegas, can you be more specific about your reservations? I'll try to address them.
Thank you others for your considered comments. There seems to be enough acceptance of the concept to go ahead and refine it to finish now.
We'll take it to a final version with the patch border shown so you can see how it would look on both dark and light backgrounds.
What size (width in inches) do you think it should be?
Someone...I'm not sure who...will get back on here with ordering instructions, prices, delivery dates, etc.
Any more comments from others are still welcome of course. Except for Waltman.
Waltman? Waltman?! In the shitter again?
[This message has been edited by Dirty Pete (edited 21 September 1999).]