I'm not trying to call anybody out.. I just think a clarification of the "pay it forward" idea as to my understanding is needed since it is still going strong.
the idea is ... if you want/need something... and somebody is offering... you get that item from them.. (free, or damn close to free IE - shipping charges) and something you no longer need goes on the board to somebody else that wants/needs that item.
for example..
ego would like to try lowering links... ted biele has a set..
ego gets lowering links
ego gives pac his exhaust (although pac did pay shipping cuz he lives in the middle of the damn ocean and exhaust is HEAVY... plus ego didn't realize pac didn't need all of the exhaust just a few pieces)
red05 has a hugger that is slightly scratched and he doesn't want it..
ego gets the hugger (repaints it and installs it on his bike.. thusly completing basically every "cosmetic" mod he's ever wanted)
ego offers up a LED undertail that he has no plans of using...
somebody (nobody has sent me a damn PM with shipping address info to claim it yet) gets the undertail
ego decides lowering links are not for him and thusly offers them back up to the board for somebody else to try.
(available if you want em)
ego waits to get rid of the undertail to pay himself forward enough so that when/if somebody offers up a set of links to raise the rear 1 inch he won't feel guilty about taking possession of that item.
Notice there is no "ego hordes up item and ebays them" in this scenario..
I don't think anybody is doing that... i'm just clarifying the rules before it does happen.
and thats my public service announcment for the evening..
and I love the pay it forward thing.. it's genius, and whoever that dude was that made the original thread... thanks! My hugger looks frikken schweet!
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the idea is ... if you want/need something... and somebody is offering... you get that item from them.. (free, or damn close to free IE - shipping charges) and something you no longer need goes on the board to somebody else that wants/needs that item.
for example..
ego would like to try lowering links... ted biele has a set..
ego gets lowering links
ego gives pac his exhaust (although pac did pay shipping cuz he lives in the middle of the damn ocean and exhaust is HEAVY... plus ego didn't realize pac didn't need all of the exhaust just a few pieces)
red05 has a hugger that is slightly scratched and he doesn't want it..
ego gets the hugger (repaints it and installs it on his bike.. thusly completing basically every "cosmetic" mod he's ever wanted)
ego offers up a LED undertail that he has no plans of using...
somebody (nobody has sent me a damn PM with shipping address info to claim it yet) gets the undertail
ego decides lowering links are not for him and thusly offers them back up to the board for somebody else to try.
(available if you want em)
ego waits to get rid of the undertail to pay himself forward enough so that when/if somebody offers up a set of links to raise the rear 1 inch he won't feel guilty about taking possession of that item.
Notice there is no "ego hordes up item and ebays them" in this scenario..
I don't think anybody is doing that... i'm just clarifying the rules before it does happen.
and thats my public service announcment for the evening..
and I love the pay it forward thing.. it's genius, and whoever that dude was that made the original thread... thanks! My hugger looks frikken schweet!
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