Pay Pal & Ebay

I don't know what ever happened to it but there use to be an escrow service that was part of the ebay sale. You bought the item you won at auction, the money goes into the escrow account, when you receive the item you have 3 days to figure out if you like it or not. Then you either return it at your expense or keep it and the seller gets his funds released to him. I thought it worked great!
I don't know what ever happened to it but there use to be an escrow service that was part of the ebay sale. You bought the item you won at auction, the money goes into the escrow account, when you receive the item you have 3 days to figure out if you like it or not. Then you either return it at your expense or keep it and the seller gets his funds released to him. I thought it worked great!
Wow John, been a while for you huh? that went away a LONG time ago.. it went in house so to speak..

With Ebay and PP one in the same company now, disputes are a lot easier and cheaper (albeit at the expense of the seller).. The seller is held pretty much accountable so cover your azz... signed receipts, photos etc all matter when the dispute gets filed..

Photograph anything you send before and after packaging
Always require a signed receipt
Insurance is always a good idea

Sad that a few crooks just make it tough on everyone...

Also to make it even tougher on sellers, you can no longer "Flag" bad buyers.. only sellers are rated now..
The bad part about paypal/ebay is they have a loophole,they protect noone actually seller nor buyer but themselves only.This is hence the reason I am pulling use of paypal from all my stuff unless I know you very well.The deal is paypal only covers the shipment and receiving of goods,not the condition or actual identity of the item,i have seen both sides of the fence.They front money to seller for buyer that way your paid and can ship item,BUT if & when they try to pull money 3 times and it's not there,they taking the money back from you and now your out the $ and product,scammers have now figured out the loopholes,and paypal has resorted to other tactics.The buyer now has all the control,what if they win,get it and find a better deal in between time or realize they couldn't afford it to start with who is out the time,shipping money and other customers that actually would have paid you when they return the item? YOU and only YOU..

I happily accept CC's & USPS money orders,unless I know you then I might accept paypal...... :thumbsup:
I just refunded the $ to the buyer. I called PayPal this a.m., I believe I was speaking with a person from India ... they said the policy was from ebay to help reduce disputes... as some of you mentioned, they arent interested in us they are worried about their own butts. :firedevil:

So I signed with these guys ,,, RevolutionMoney

Free account, free money transfers ... I will link to one of my checking accts that have a small balance, just in case.

I have been reading about them and a couple of local business here in Chico are using them and so far not one problem.

Good bye PayPal !
I have to give it to paypal as far as protecting the buy and they probably trying to protect themselves better now too!

I had a case back in 2006 where a guy from New Jersey stiffed about 75+ people including me. I bought a hayabusa cylinder block from him for $265 for a 1397 project I was working on. The block never came and he kept sending excuses. Come to find out he was selling stolen parts and got caught. When I bought the block he had a 100% positive feedback and two day later he had over 75+ negative. Some people sent him a check and were just out of luck. I got my money back via paypal.:laugh:

I think his user name was Fetereboki or something like that.
Yea but "New" vortex rearsets $200 delivered
"New" Shoei RF1100 lid $125
"New" 2006 Hayabusa $8700

too much other to list but those are a few of the good ones I got..

I do not mind sorting through some of the junk :)

New in box Arai profile 250 bucks. :laugh:
