Got my PC2 the other day, so I decided to set you ECU back to "zero", yeah right.....
what a big mistake ever touching my ECU with a Yosh box.

After the "zero event" I started creating a map for my pc2 on the dyno and noticed that I needed to inset HUGE numbers (no I don't have a air leak and my PAIR is long gone) to get a proper a/f ratio. I assume that since the Yosh box is nothing (analog device) but a bunch of resistors, getting my bike back to factory state is hit and miss and will require a new ECU (:.

On a side note: I suggest for you people going to a dyno to have your bike tuned (not a single run), that you install a used (race slick scrub would be ideal - hard compound) rear tire as the dyno action will "eat it alive".

I have spent around 6-7 hours on the dyno in the last 2 weeks and I can tell it's real hard on tires.
I did go back and reset the ECU again with a different yosh box, then on the dyno to compare:
pc2 - zero map
pc2 - stock map
pc2 - map #4

Frank, I am making the map myself just as soon as I resolved a problem with the load control on the dyno I've got an e-mail in to Mike @ DynoJet, I'm sure I can get the problem resolved.

The map should only take 2-3 hours once I get everything up and running (it will destroy my rear tire....guess it's time to try a pilot 200).
i found out by accident,if you unplug the ecu with the battery still connected you loose the yosh map.must loose short term memory when this is done?what a'f ratio are you getting the best power from.i've stopped at 12.5.seems ok at that.only slightly better than lower 13s.

[This message has been edited by THE MOTORHEAD (edited 16 April 2000).]
Been trying to do 12.8 - 13.2, seems happy with that area, at least where I am with the map right now. I am very interested in the low & mid range torque/hp curve for street riding, seldom would I see 10k in 6th :)
Yep, I talked with Michael (dynojet) about this and he came up with my error: I had allowed the wires to be crossed (inductive pickup and the gas analyzer line) and it was causing rf interference that dropped the load on the dyno. All is working much better now.

I'm going back today to finish the map (I hope) and I'll let you know what happens.
exactly,get the torque and power up as fast as possible for as long as possible!my peak power on mine is about9300is 156.3 and 98#torque at 6500 on my 2000with all long stacks and the airbox mod,pc2 at stock bike map +1+1+1 a/f at12.5to 13-1.can you let me know if you find anything good in your map quest?i think it likes the upper 12s at mid to upper rps though,right where your at about 12.8from about 5k up.get your load controller streightened out yet?
Jeff, can't wait to hear the details!

Your combo is not anything close to mine but your experiences with what your doing, means everything!

Lost an entire days worth of work, I had a bad PC2 (from Parts Unlimited - a K&N version).

I did finish a map last night, I'll sit down and compare to the map #4 that I started with
-vs- stock/zero maps.
I also had a bad PC2...personally I think if yosh ever comes out with thier own PC as promised everyone will dump the dyno-jet PC...there`s always a better mouse trap....
i'm getting my coated throttlebodies on this week with coated aluminum stacks.i want to see what power difference they make.i have a slight rich spot around 5500 and a slightly lean spot at6800 i need to streighten ot yet.