they introduced a bill for the Licence to carry firearms that also apply s to gun purchasing forms.
Bill Text: PA HB335 | 2013-2014 | Regular Session | Introduced | LegiScan
here is the skinny :
"I have never been convicted of a crime that prohibits me
from possessing or acquiring a firearm under Federal or
State law. I am of sound mind and have never been
committed to a mental institution and have never received
mental health treatment on an inpatient or outpatient
basis. I hereby certify that the statements contained
herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge
and belief."
Some of things people regularly seek mental health treatment for that if I am reading this right, make you a prohibited person.
Anxiety disorders including Panic, Phobias, and OCD. Afraid of heights? seek treatment and it could be read that you are prohibited. Suffer from panic attacks, don't bother seeking help if you ever want to own a gun. Have some mild OCD behaviors that you want to learn to cope with, well your choice is to seek help or firearm ownership.
Been abused as a child and suffer from amnesia about those specific abuses? Want to seek help to cope with the abuse, you may have just become a prohibited person. Had something bad happen to you as a kid and your parents take you to a shrink to help you cope, you may have just lost your 2nd Amendment rights.
Been in an abusive relationship and have a dangerous spouse who wants to harm you. Better not seek treatment to cope with the abuse because you may have just given up one of the key ways to defend yourself against them.
Been raped? Don't seek counseling help if you want to be able to defend yourself in the future.
Will they include seeing a psychiatrist for any reason in this? If so will they look at marriage counseling as seeking mental health treatment? After all you are trying to realign yourself mentally when you seek any counseling. Have some minor problems you want to cope with, you may have just disqualified your self from your 2nd Amendment rights. Trying to seek help coping with stress from your job, you now have to choose between seeing a shrink and becoming a prohibited person.
There are a ton of personality disorders that a person could have, seek help and you could be a prohibited person.
There are different categories of mental disorders. Having a psychotic disorder is different than having an anxiety disorder. The way the bill is worded is ambiguous and way to vague imo. Unless I am misreading or over reacting, this could be a dangerous bill that has many far reaching implications.
Looks like I have another thing to write my representatives about.

Bill Text: PA HB335 | 2013-2014 | Regular Session | Introduced | LegiScan
here is the skinny :
"I have never been convicted of a crime that prohibits me
from possessing or acquiring a firearm under Federal or
State law. I am of sound mind and have never been
committed to a mental institution and have never received
mental health treatment on an inpatient or outpatient
basis. I hereby certify that the statements contained
herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge
and belief."
Some of things people regularly seek mental health treatment for that if I am reading this right, make you a prohibited person.
Anxiety disorders including Panic, Phobias, and OCD. Afraid of heights? seek treatment and it could be read that you are prohibited. Suffer from panic attacks, don't bother seeking help if you ever want to own a gun. Have some mild OCD behaviors that you want to learn to cope with, well your choice is to seek help or firearm ownership.
Been abused as a child and suffer from amnesia about those specific abuses? Want to seek help to cope with the abuse, you may have just become a prohibited person. Had something bad happen to you as a kid and your parents take you to a shrink to help you cope, you may have just lost your 2nd Amendment rights.
Been in an abusive relationship and have a dangerous spouse who wants to harm you. Better not seek treatment to cope with the abuse because you may have just given up one of the key ways to defend yourself against them.
Been raped? Don't seek counseling help if you want to be able to defend yourself in the future.
Will they include seeing a psychiatrist for any reason in this? If so will they look at marriage counseling as seeking mental health treatment? After all you are trying to realign yourself mentally when you seek any counseling. Have some minor problems you want to cope with, you may have just disqualified your self from your 2nd Amendment rights. Trying to seek help coping with stress from your job, you now have to choose between seeing a shrink and becoming a prohibited person.
There are a ton of personality disorders that a person could have, seek help and you could be a prohibited person.
There are different categories of mental disorders. Having a psychotic disorder is different than having an anxiety disorder. The way the bill is worded is ambiguous and way to vague imo. Unless I am misreading or over reacting, this could be a dangerous bill that has many far reaching implications.
Looks like I have another thing to write my representatives about.