Phillips Motel Question

LA Busa

Top 5 Femme Moto Finisher
Donating Member
I was thinking (I know, that sounds tragic) about setting the Busa in the pickup and not trailering to the Bash.

Are there any places around the Phillips, hills or other undulations, that would make it possible to roll the bike out of the truck?

Never been up there and dont want to have to sit on the bike in the back of the truck while the wife drives the dragon - Killboy would certainly like to have a pic of that on his site...
There is a loading ramp at the CROT. With this many people, just bring a ramp and we can get you unloaded.
There is a loading ramp at the CROT. With this many people, just bring a ramp and we can get you unloaded.
Heck, with this many people we could just lift the bike out and set it on the ground for ya  
no problems getting unloaded. Plenty of places to unload, even the school parking lot across the street is perfect for a slight hill to back into. NCBusa unloaded his with a board backed into that spot last time around... no problems.
damn...missed it!

friggin board is fast by a little more than 3 least according to windows and govt timing sources...

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